✲ Chapter 17 ✲

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A/N woah tysm for 2.1k views!! ^-^ I never thought i would get this far like ever..so tysm!!!

Kenma pov:
Do you swear to be with him through sickness and through health? "I do.."
*beep beep beep beep beep*
I turned off my alarm rolled over, and put my blanket over my head. Keiji was sleeping next to me peacefully, I didn't wanna get up so I just snuggled up with him. I kept thinking about the dream I was having, before I woke up. My family was there..friends..teammates...and Keiji..He was in a black tuxedo and I was in a white one..we were getting married.
And just when we were about to kiss..
I woke up to my annoying alarm beeping in my ear.

A few seconds later Keiji woke up and got out the bed slowly, trying not to "wake me" I guess. I didn't move because he's going to dress me later anyways. I peeked from under the blanket as he starting changing into his uniform and packing his things for volleyball practice. I watched him try to comb his hair in the mirror. Everytime he combed it his curls sprang back up again. But it was cute, I liked his hair the way it was. He packed up all of our things and walked downstairs to make breakfast I'm guessing. When he's cooking I usually get 15 more minutes of sleep. If sleeping was a company, I'd be the ceo...

Later on I get woken up to Keiji picking me up and standing me up. He put a white button-up collared shirt on me and buttoned all the buttons, then a blue tie and gently tied it around my neck. I held onto his shoulders while he slipped each pant leg up. I was still tired so I just did my best staying awake. He put on my grey jacket tucked in my shirt, then sat me down to comb my hair. He kinda reminds me of my mom...always helping me and trying to do my hair..
When he's done he grabs our bags and signals me to leave with him.

Keiji barely talks in the morning..or ever..but neither do I so it's okay..we usually just use signals or look at each other a certain way and just know what it means. Keiji walks me to class and makes sure I have snacks, water and games in my backpack. Kuroo would never let me take my game..or let me eat snacks..because he wanted to teach me responsibility. Keiji just takes care of me and my needs, so he does things like that. When Keiji drops me off to class he gently kisses my forehead and slides open the door for me. Our teacher isn't here yet so I reach Into my bag and peek at what Keiji packed me for lunch. He's the best cook but he always makes me a lot of food..because he knows I don't eat much. I take a rice ball out and put my lunch box back, I love his rice balls...I can see why he likes them so much especially when he makes them..

I still can't believe he's never dated anyone before..he's so...perfect..I'm sure everyone likes him. Maybe he didn't feel interested in dating at the time..but then why me? I wonder what he would say If I told him about my dream..I shouldn't do that...
Maybe I should do something nice for Keiji...

Akaashi pov: [betcha didn't expect that (:< ]
I sigh walking down the hallway, It's so cold in the school today..I hope kenma keeps his jacket on. I'm going to skip first period and go to the library instead..I sigh while walking to my class, It's not that I don't like school or anything...it's just stressful with my classmates always talking about me and me not being able to focus..

I slide open the door marked "Calculus 2-A" and then the whispers start up again. The giggling and the looks annoy me...I grab my classwork from out of my bag and set it down on my teachers desk, waiting for him to finish grading it. He passes it back to me with a 100 circled in red on the top right corner. I walk out with my legs feeling heavy and my head pounding, I need to talk to Bokuto-san...He's the only one who knows about me..

I pull my phone out my back pocket and text Bokuto.

1:27 pm (You): Bokuto san are you in class rn?
1:28 pm (Bokuto): Nah Im in the gym with sum duuds from 1-C
1:28 pm (You): Can I see you now?
1:28 pm (Bokuto): ye sure

I wanted to go to the library but I might have to go to the hospital instead..I rush to the other side of the school and call Bokuto
"Which gym are you in right now?"
I hang up and run to gym 1. Why are things happening so fast? I thought I had more time..she said I had time..so why now? When I get there bokuto I waiting for me with his bag packed.
"Agashi are you okay?" he asked with a concerned look on his face
"It's happening again..and It's not stopping.." I huffed 
"We have to go now. We'll go to Ashikiru because it's closer okay?"
Bokuto picked me up and put me on his back, my head was spinning and my body hurt. I couldn't stay awake

The next time I woke up I was In the hospital. Bokuto was sleeping in a chair next to me, laying his head on my stomach.
I lay there for a while. Feeling empty, tired, and somewhat lost. I wish I could understand what was happening to me, all I knew was pain and torture. My school days are pretty boring besides volleyball...and
It's better this way...he doesn't deserve this..
We have so many memories..he gave me this ring..when I broke my hand he was there..caring for me..

I raise my hand up to my eye level. A tear escapes my eye and trinkles down my cheek. My world is falling apart and I can't do anything about it..
I'm losing sleep
I can't think straight
I can't eat
My body feels heavy and i'm constantly in pain..

Some days..
I wish I were dead.
The pain is unbearable, I can't manage anymore.
But..I guess I made friends...so I guess I'd be sad If I had to leave them..
I know Bokuto Is in love with me...even after 9 years..

"Agashi-kun! You're here!"
"W-well I have a secret to tell you.."
"Well..I-I....I like you Agashi-kun...and not as a friend..like, like-like.."

The wind blew through my hair and cherry blossoms fell off of branches, landing around us.

"B-bokuto-san...I c-can't....I don't feel that way..."
"That's okay! I'll just be by your side! And wait for the day when you say it back!"
And wide grin spread across his face as he giggled. I'd never forget that day..After that Bokuto-san has always been with me...even on my worse days....

"Shh..It's okay..don't cry.."

I don't want to remember that. 

"I love you!"
"Say it back!"
"Show me your spikes instead.."
"Mhm..I'll even set for you.."
"Your sets are the best Agashi-kun!"

Days like those keep me going...If it weren't for Bokuto-san..I wouldn't even be here...

"I-i l-love you Kenma..and I hope soon I can turn these into engagement rings.."

"And I'll be here waiting for you to put it on me." 

That was one of my best memories of kenma..

I close my eyes, part of me hoping I never wake up again...and another part...
hoping I can see kenma again...

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