✲ Chapter 18 ✲

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I absolutely hate running.
This time is the only exception, because it's important.
At exactly 4:03 pm I left my gaming club, because that's when Bokuto called me.
I got up and quickly walked out of the classroom staring down at the location Bokuto sent me.
As soon as I get farther down the hallway, I dash down the stairs and run down another hallway.

I can only think the worse. I have no idea what happened and I can't stay composed. My heart Is pumping out my chest, and I'm running faster than I ever did before. I ran past all the classrooms, my hair trying to keep up with me as I dash outside and end up toppling over someone, hurting my leg. 

"I'm sorr- Tobio?"
"I mean Kageyama is nice too.."
"What are you doing here? And why are you wearing this dumb disguise?"
He takes off his hat and sunglasses then slams them on the ground.
"This is the second time someone figured out it was me!" He said agitated.
"Well yea it's not a very good disguise atleast tuck in your hair.."
"Oh thanks.."
"Hey, can you take me somewhere If i run I might hurt my leg again.."
"Hmmm..saving a cutie in distress...Oh! That would make me like a hero!...Okay let's go."
"Just shut up and carry me."
"Yea yea, whatever."

My legs hurt from running, but kageyama runs like its nothing..he's a psychopath..
We make our way to Ashikiru Hospital and Kageyama sets me down at the front door.
He waves me off with a smile but it looks evil and eree..

I pick up my phone and call Bokuto.
"Hey Kozume.."
"Which room are you in?"
"It's best if you don't come in right now.."
"...Which room are you in?"
"....109 B.."

I put my phone in my pocket and snuck past the nurses, looking for room 109 B. I quickly jump into an elevator and make my way up.
I slowly open the door and walk in quietly.
Keiji is wearing an oxygen mask and has needles and wires attached to him. He looks weary and...slightly skinnier.
He slowly turns his head to look at me and smiles, pretending everything is fine.
I walk up to him and drop down on my knees. He looks so tired...he has bags and dark circles under his eyes...but that doesn't tear away his beauty. He pulls down his mask and pats an empty space in his bed, asking me to lay with him. I slowly get in trying not to hurt him, seeing him like this brings tears to my eyes begging to spill out. The lump in my throat prevented me from saying anything as he hugged me, I wanted to tell him so much...there was so much we could've done together...

"..There's...somewhere...I've always..w-wanted..to..t-take you..." He huffed, trying to get the sounds out
"It's Okay...you'll get better and then you can take me...alright?"
"Just don't say anything..keep your energy.."
Keiji nodded in response after that.

Soon Keiji's doctor came in with a concerned face.
"You are Kozume Kenma..Yes?" He asked
"I need to speak with you in my office, across from this room."
I got up slowly and tucked Keiji in.
We walked across the hallway and into his office, then he closed his door and sat down at his desk.
"I'm sorry to say this but...Keiji Akaashi has a disorder that will soon...kill him."
'....kill him...kill him...kill him....kill him....kill him...'

It replayed in my mind over...and over..

"We can give him treatment but he won't live much longer.."
"What is it? And what is it doing to him?!" 
"Well...it's called Severe Chronic Pain. It's when your body is in constant pain and need of attention..and that pain sooner or later..shuts down your vital organs.."
"So what am I supposed to do?! Just sit there and watch him die?!"
"We can preform surgery but he's at risk since he's a little young.."
"What do you mean?"
"He has a terrible immune system. If I were to cut him open he would be exposed to bacteria and dust, therefore making him terribly sick. And he could be paralyzed from the thighs down. The surgery could be successful, but his body could still fail him..."

My whole world fell apart. Everything was crashing down right infront of me. Everyone knew...everyone knew but me...everyone knew about this but me! Why didn't anyone say anything! Why do I have to suffer now? He's going to leave...What am I going to do..

Tears filled my eyes and dripped down my face. I couldn't help the burning feeling in my chest, I felt like exploding. How could I be so blind? How come I didn't notice him hurting? 

"Okay thanks...for...letting me know.."
I get up and walk out of his office. I stand by Keijis room and for some strange reason I can't pull myself together, but I decide to walk in anyway.
Bokuto was asleep again, but Keiji was still awake. I slowly walk over to him and peer over. He looks dull and lifeless. How did things happen so fast? He was perfectly fine a week ago...
"No, you have to stay and rest..."

He then turned facing me, looking at me in deep desire, his eyes begging me to get him out of here.
I sigh and grab his wheelchair in the corner of the room.
"Just this once okay?"

I make sure to unplug anything that would beep if I disconnected them from his arm. I slip him into his wheelchair looking over my shoulder, and sure enough bokuto is still asleep, then wrap a blanket around him. I quietly walk out to check if any nurses are coming and quickly push him down the hallway and into a staff-only elevator. As the elevator door closes I breath heavily thanking god for not letting us get caught.
"Where do you want to go?"
"Where..I...saw you....again."
"The training camp?"
"Okay, just dont even look at a volleyball."

'Thank god my uniform looks more like a suit than a uniform..I could just glide right past them.'

before we get down to the 1st level I fix my hair, button my jacket, and stand up straight. When the door opens I walk straight and keep a straight face while walking out of the hospital. 
I sigh in relief.
"Okay we're out now..do you feel sick or anything?"
'terrible immune system....terrible immune system...immune system..'
"Are you sure?"
"This is probably kidnapping..but..we're almost there.."

We start getting closer and closer to the training camp. This is probably trespassing..
"Okay what do we do now?"
"Dig up...the..sunflower.."
I wouldn't do this for anyone else..this is kidnapping, trespassing, and he's in legal care of Ashikiru Hospital..but here I am, digging up a sunflower.
When I finished there was a box inside, no bigger than a notebook.
I look at Keiji and he nods with a small smile.

I open it and inside is a letter, written in Keijis beautiful handwriting...it read

'With your feet in the air and your head on the ground.'
'You can stop the tears from falling down.'
'The air might leave my lungs.'
'But my heart will stay with you.'
~Keiji Akaashi

I look down at the paper one more time, before breaking down. I've never read anything like this before..it feels like a suicide letter and it hurts. Tears are fumbling their way out of my eyes and dripping onto the paper. My hands are shaking as I reach to grab another box inside the original box. I can't stop the tears from flowing as I open the next box, when I open it there's a picture of us playing video games...He wasn't the best at them..

'Here's something to get your 'bouncing ball' bouncing.'
was all it read on the back of the picture.

On the inside was a contract for a business...my business..with a settlement for over 3 million yen...

"Y-you did this?"
"I-i can't take this.."
I can tell he's serious and that he wants me to strive in this world.
I get ready to open the last box.
When I open it there is a sticky note inside so i pick it up and read it.
'Try this trick'
'and spin it'
'accept the little things'

I look in the box and there's a diamond engagement ring inside. I can't hold in the tears at this point, he's being so calm about this whole situation and it's not fair.
I put on the ring and it's beautiful..but I can't seem to feel any better.
'Try this trick'
'and spin it'

I turn the ring around to where the back is facing me, and it read
"Akaashi ♡ Keiji"

Keiji has always been good with words..but barely spoke..
'but my heart will stay with you'
Tears stream down my face and the lump in my throat grows once more. I can't handle this anymore...
"...Why?...Why didn't you say anything?"
"...What..good..would it d-do?"

He was right..but that doesn't give him an excuse to hide something this important.
"What am...I going to do...when...you're dead?" I said in between sobs. 
"Move..on..live..your life..Meet..other people.."
"No! Why would I do such a thing? I cannot just forget about you...like you were ever here!"
"You can..."
"No! I can never fall in love again! If I wanted something different I would've done something different!"
"Look at me k-kenma...I don't have..much time..to l-live.." he huffed out.
"That enough! I'm taking you back right now! I can't take this anymore!" I sobbed
"It....started two..years..ago.."
I stopped in my tracks. 'What?'
"I was a freshman..at fukurodani..playing volleyball." he explained. "One day we were having a practice match..and I jumped up to set..and my leg just...gave out. And then, I was on the ground."
"And you never said anything? I could've taken you to a doctor, you could've been okay again.."
"Maybe I didn't want to be okay.."
"I already accepted it...and decided to live with the pain.."

I didn't know how to respond, Keiji is so calm about everything...why is he doing this?

"I have to take you back now...let's go.."

I hesitate. Do I take him back...or bring him with me..?

I'll bring him with me...but it isn't such a great idea...but I love him to much to let him sit in there...

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