1. The Trios are back

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A/N Hi! So I will be posting once or twice a week. I have another story to write as well so I will not be as active on either of them now. I will try to post as I said once or twice a week. I have school going on so it is harder to find the time. Hope you enjoy it!

Harry's POV

     Who is going to be our new DADA and Transfiguration teacher? Who is going to be head of Gryffindor house? I wonder. Finally, our last year of Hogwarts. Everyone has received an extra year and of course, we all took it. Ginny is still in her 6th year as no one was moved up due to last year's war, and horrible teachers. After the war Ginny and I got together, and so did Hermione and Ron, Luna and Neville, and Dean and Seamus. Those two have finally admitted their love for each other!!

     Yesterday, we went to Diagon Alley and bought all of our school supplies. I have been staying at the Weasly's all summer as the Dursley's would never want me. I helped Hermione find her parents in Australia and return their memories. Now September 1st and everything is back to normal. Except for one thing. As I am now a legal adult in the wizarding world, and since Remus, and Tonks died. I have their son, Teddy. During school, Mrs. Weasly offered to take care of him, though, and I would come and visit during the holidays. He is just like his mother a metamorphosis but looks just like his father, except the eyes, he has his mother's eyes.

     Today we are leaving for Hogwarts and everyone is excited. We will see the teachers again and I am Quidditch Team Captain, while Ron and Hermione are Prefects. Finally, for one of the first time's ever Ron, Hermione, and I will see the sorting.

--------------Time Skip--------------

Hogwart's Express

     We were on the Hogwarts Express, and I was heading home. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, Luna, Seamus, Dean, and I were all in the same compartment and we had the perfect amount of people. Everything was going just fine until the ferret Malfoy came in.

     "Hey, Potter," he spat at us with his minion Blaise by his side.

     "Hey, Malfoy. Having fun with your parents in prison. Where are you living now? Azkaban?" I replied with sarcasm drenching my voice.

     "No. I'm living here and a place in America. I found out some special news over the summer you see, and I can't tell you," he told me mockingly.

     "Great more secrets! Maybe next year we find out that trees can talk and centaurs are nice!" I joked.

     "Well, we shall see."


     With that he left, and so did Blaise.

At Hogwarts

     We entered the Great Hall and found two kids around our age sitting at the teacher's table. Why would McGonagall let them sit there? Why aren't they at Hogwarts? Aren't they my age?

     "Why are there two kids are age at the teacher's table?" I asked the others at a whisper.

     "No idea, they could be our new teachers, though," Ginny replied looking at them.

     One looked like me but more muscular, less scrawny, and no glasses. The other was a girl hopefully his girlfriend, she had honey blonde princess curly hair and gray eyes. She also was muscular, she was probably just a dumb blonde, though.

     When the first years walked in we saw two kids that looked a little older than them just by a few years. One looked to be about 14 and the other 17, they were holding hands as well. One was a dark, pale, scary, emo looking boy of about 14. The other was a bright, cheery, tan, boy of about 17. Complete opposites, but cute. The emo kid had black hair and dark brown obsidian eyes, he was about 5'6; whereas his boyfriend was around 6'0 foot with bright blonde hair and sky blue eyes.

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