7. Finding Athena's lost son and kelp

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A/N Sorry I haven't posted, thank you to everybody for putting up with my horrible writing! Also, I'm going to start making the chapters shorter. Not 14 minutes long because that means it takes an hour to type!

Piper's POV

     I didn't think that sending people to go get Percy and Draco was such a good idea. If that weird wizard that they could barely defeat last time, what chance did we have? Well, I guess our weapons deflect spells, but still.

     "Ready guys?" Nico called. "We'll be back with Percy and Draco!"

     "Bye, you better come home safe if you're not back in 20 minutes then we will come and get you," Hazel told them.

     "We will Hazel, I promise."

     "Alright, hurry back!"

Annabeth's POV

     I will never get used to shadow-travel. It is worse than vapor-travel, and vapor-travel sucks! We arrived at the cell only to see, a darkly cloaked figure staring in at them.

     "Your friends will be here soon, I sent them your location so that just maybe I can capture more of you," the creepy dude said.

     "You're damn right we are. I said hitting him in the back of the head knocking him out, just before he turned around.

     "He didn't send us the address guys, Grover told us. Now how do we get you out?" Nico asked, us all.

     "Annabeth? Do you have a hairpin? If so I can pick the lock, I am trained by Hades," Nico said shocking us all. 

     "WHAT!?" We all exclaimed wondering why Hades trained him how to pick locks.

     "He asked me to go into his file cabinet that had a lock and he lost the key. He figured out how to pick the lock so he taught me," Nico shrugged.

     "Okay. Yes, I do. Here," I replied grabbing my bobby pin out of my blonde locks and putting my hair up with a hair tie I had.

     "Do all girls just keep hair ties and bobby pins on them?" Draco asked. For once a child of Athena didn't know something.

     "Yeah, sometimes they're caught without hair ties and bobby pins though, so it's good to have them on you at all times," Percy told him which cause up all to look at him in shock. "What here," he then held up his right wrist showing us three hair ties, with bobby pins hooked onto them. (A/N Not all girls use bobby pins she just used one this day.)

     "Looks like I don't need to worry about having to put my hair up anymore," I replied.

     "Bobby pins are hard to keep, though so have extr-," Nico cut him off before he started babbling.

     "Focus, I just got it done. Now get out, Percy you're vapor-traveling us. Will, won't let me shadow-travel again and if I do he'll know. Let's go."

     "Finally! That cell wouldn't let me use any powers! Otherwise, we would have been out of there three days ago!" Percy exclaimed yelling. 

     "Alright, now let's go before Voldemort wakes up, I hate him," Draco said, getting a chill down his spine.

     "Ready, everyone hold hands, Annabeth, you can Judo Flip me and yell at me when we get back. On three. 1...2...3," Percy says just as they turn to water molecules.

     Once we got back to Hogwarts before anyone could say anything, I Judo Flipped Percy. Ahh brings back old memories. "Never. And I mean, never. Disappear like that ever, again. Or, I will personally, murder whoever kidnapped you, and I will hurt you. Got it?" I growled into his ear as he was on the ground.

     He nervously gulped and nodded, scared out of his wits. Great! I still got it!

A/N I know it's super short not even 1000 words. However, I need to figure out what's gonna come next. The next chapter will be longer I swear on the river Styx.

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