9. I've got Mad Battle Strategy, My Mom would be Impressed

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Annabeth's POV

That night, I explained my plan to everyone until midnight. "Alright, we better hit the hay. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow," I told Nico, Percy, and Hazel.

The Next Morning

"You guys ready? Does everyone know the plan?" Nico asked for the millionth time.

"Yes! Let's go!" We all shouted.

"Geez! Alright, grab hands," Nico told us.

"Ready? 1...2...3!" Now, no one is ever ready for any travel unless it is on the ground or by plane. Shadow travel is something I will never get used to.

"Alright, let's go find, the vault, you have the Jelly Beans, right?" Hazel asked. You see. We're pulling an Indiana Jones. Nico and I are going to sneak into the vault while Percy keeps watch with Hazel. I'll tell you the rest later.

"Nico. Use your Hades senses and lead us to the vault," Percy whispered. I smacked him on the arm.

"Don't call them that. That's rude!" I stage shouted.

"No, I told him to call them that. It's much better than dead powers," Nico informed me.

"Oh. Okay," I replied shocked.

We snuck through twists and turns, while Nico stopped every few seconds to think of where we are concerning Hades 'secret' underground vault. "Almost there, another few turns. Shit."

"What?" Hazel asked, I didn't want to know the answer. "Oh."

"Yeah. Well, I'm gonna turn into a plant again," Nico stated gaping at what was in front of them. I could only assume it was Persephone.

"Who's there!" Persephone shouted. Yep, definitely her.

"Just us, Nico and Hazel. I left something in my room, and I had to come get it. I thought I should give Hazel a tour as well since she is my half-sister," Nico lied smoothly. He's probably had good practice with lying.

"Oh, uh very well then. What are you doing down here, though?" Persephone asked.

"Giving her a tour. I figured that father always asked me to come and retrieve something from his vault, so I should show Hazel here as well. Just in case she's here when I am not," he thought of everything.

"Alright. Well, I'm just grabbing his Helm."

"Do you mind if we come in? It would be great for me to gain an understanding of where everything is," Hazel lied. Wow. Who knew, Hazel the sweet innocent 14 year old could lie so well.

"Why not. Just don't touch anything, he will know," Persephone said sounding bored.

"Definitely not." So, I guess our plan will change, thankfully Nico had the Jelly Beans.

After they went in, Percy and I waited for hours. Although, it was probably only 10 minutes. After a while, Persephone came out. "Don't be in there for too long! Just show her where everything is!" Persephone called.

"Alright! Only another five minutes!" Nico called.

About five minutes later they came running out with the sword. Just before they got out though an alarm started blaring. "Hades Sword, Hades Sword. Password." Was some random voice. We all ran for it. Nico shadow traveled us to the Olympian council before anything could happen.

"Hello, what is it that you need?" One old looking man asked.

"We would just like to know where Severus Snape is," Nico asked bowing.

"Very well. Elysium. Go there and only there," another old man replied.

"Alright, thank you," Nico replied.

We headed to the doorway that said Elysium and just before we entered, Hades approached. "My sword has been stolen! Persephone knows nothing about it!" Hades shouted. "Hello Nico, Hazel, Percy, Annabeth. Would you know anything about this sword?" Hades asked noticing us.

"No father. I came to retrieve something and decided to show Hazel around. Percy and Annabeth came looking for me, and they asked to visit someone in Elysium," Nico replied cooly.

"Alright. If you see or hear anything let me know so I can banish them to the Field of Punishment," Hades said.

"I will father. Now we really must go, these two have classes!" Nico said scurrying out into Elysium.

"That was close! We need to be more careful. Now, let's go find this Snape guy. We probably should've brought along a wizard," Percy said.

"No need. I've been talking with James and Lily Potter. Harry's parents, they give great advice. Anyway, one night Severus was brought into the conversation. James was starting to get irritated and Lily had to calm him down. Then he was brought over. I only asked so it didn't seem suspicious," Nico told us. We gaped at him. "What, I was doing my checks and they saw me and asked if I needed help. We became great buds. They are the only ones who ever knew about my experience in Tartarus before Will," Nico shrugged. We were still in a daze. "Don't tell Harry about me knowing his parents though, I will feel bad since I know his parents better than him."

Who knew the little ball of death could be so nice. "Okay. Where is Snape then?" I asked.

"Well, he and the Potter's have gotten on better terms so they are normally, together at their house. We should introduce them to the demigods here. They normally wait at the gate. They can't see us so we have to put on disguises," Nico explained. He then pulled out random things. A clown wig, sunglasses, baby clothes, makeup. The whole shebang. "Put this on, and we can go." He handed us all something. Percy got the baby clothes and some blue contacts, I got a clown wig and some flapper dress, Hazel and Nico stayed the same.

"They only know you and I visit here often so we don't need anything," he explained as Percy looked at him weirdly. "You two go in first. We'll go in second."

"Alright," I said nodding.

We walked in and under a tree sat everyone. Lee, Micheal, Castor, Bianca, Zoë, Beckendorf, Silena, and worst of all Luke. Percy had to hold me back to keep from running to them.

"I know. I want to go see them too. But we can't drag them into this," Percy whispered. I knew he was right, but it was so hard. I only nodded in reply. We continued to walk on, as we glance and look around. Luke looks at us and tells our friends. We both should've gotten contacts. Just then Nico and Hazel walk in and everyone is looking at us so we look at the two of them pleading for help.

Soon, everyone was here and Luke was telling us to take off our costumes. "I'm sorry who are you?" I ask, that killed me. It was so hard lying to him.

"Annabeth, I know it's you. I can tell by your eyes," Luke told me. Gods I hate that he knows me so well. Still, I had to go along with our plan.

"Annabeth? No, I'm Madison McDivvet. This is Darold Harden. We gave our lives. We let a bomb blow up under us, and saved the city of Las Angelos," I said sounding confused. I really wanted to rip off this wig.

Just then Luke did it for me. "Now, why are you lying Annabeth, what are you up to? Percy please put some real clothes on and take out those contacts," Luke asked while everyone else was looking at Luke wide-eyed and a little disturbed by Percy in baby clothes.

"Fine. Run!" Then Nico, Hazel, Percy, and I ran for it. So much for my mad battle strategy.

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