16. Our Hero

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Hermione's POV

Apparently, I was to go with the sixth years of Hufflepuff. Here I am leading them we were to head to the East wing. Four minutes, we were there.

"Alright, guys, this is war will end the war depending on who wins. We aren't heroes, we're legends, we aren't magical, we're incredible, you all have the weapons from weaponry class right?" They nodded. "Good you're going to need it, spells may not work against some of the monsters we're about to face. Now, as Annabeth said. PEANUT BUTTERRRRRRR!" 

"You have not handed anyone over, this is war," the voice came over again.

The boundaries were breached and all hell brook lose. I realized that even though my spells didn't work on everyone, my daggers did- even on wizards.

I knocked everyone in my way out and used my daggers to reflect their spells that tried to kill, disarm, or stun me. Finally, it was a dracaena against me. Duck, roll, stab, parry, kill. It went on like that for a good 10 minutes. That went pretty well I think. 

We headed to the South where everything was coming from. We reached it and gods. I saw Jason flying around slicing down some evil harpies while using some lightning to strike down others. The Black Lake surrounded who I can only assume is Percy, it was in a hurricane and it took down anyone who got in its way. Piper was using charm speak on the monsters and wizards making them think they were enemies, smart. Leo was flying some helicopter things around grabbing enemies and throwing them in its propellers. I think Frank was a fire breathing dragon, breathing fire at enemies, Hazel was forcing gems and metal at the enemies while on her horse Arion. Nico was using skeleton warriors and himself, he was a force to be reckoned with. Will was healing the wounded. Draco, McGonagall, and Annabeth were all blurs as they sped around killing monsters and knocking out wizards. Reyna was conducting the legion, Hylla was fighting with the Amazons, and Thalia was on top of the castle shooting arrows at the enemies with deadly accuracy. 

Everyone reached the South Wing and I saw many dead bodies on the ground, worse than the Battle of Hogwarts. Then I saw it. The giant 50 foot tall Titan and a minuscule Voldemort next to him. 

Percy's POV

Lovely. A 50 foot tall Titan in his full form. I wasn't too worried about this Moldyshorts guy. Right then Steve the squid from the Black Lake decided it would be the perfect time to add some black to our world. Now, we have the dark world. 

"Somnus longus!" Molywarts yelled.

All the wizards dropped, including Draco and Minerva. I guess because they are 'magical.' I made my way over with the hurricane around me. Meeting the seven, Nico, Will, and Calypso. 

Everyone else was still fighting while we decided to face Kronos and no nose. 

"Alright, I have an idea. Jason. You take all the oxygen out of the air around them not us though. I'll take the water vapor and drown them while playing with the water in them, you guys just need to keep the two in, if they get out fight," I told them.

I glanced at Annabeth who looked worried.

"Percy, are you sure. This could drain you so much you die." 

"Yes, I'm sure. I feel like I could blow up Mount St. Helens again and that almost killed me, and I was less powerful."

"Alright, I just want to tell you, I love you with all my heart. I'll wait for you till I die."

"I love you with all of my heart Wise Girl. But, I won't leave you. Not ever again, I'll be with you till my dying breath and forever after that. I'll wait in Elyiusm," I told her, and I meant every single word.

"Are we done love birds they're kind of getting closer," Nico yelled at us.

"Yeah, we're ready. Jason?" He nodded. "On three. One...two...three!" I felt the familiar tug in my gut and put the water vapor back in liquid form, pushing around their heads. I forced the water in them to freeze. I worried for Annabeth, will she have a flashback of Akhlys poison. 

'Fly our hero. Raise.'

There was a little voice in my head, it sounded kind. I figured I should listen to it. So, I flew. 

'Raise the others too.'

I then raised them too. I was scared to death Zeus would zap us down, but I had a feeling. Not a gut feeling but a special feeling, one I can't describe. I raised them and something happened. It was not what I expected. Well, I don't know what I expected. But this was definitely not it.

A/N Literally I got so mad! Wattpad deleted my chapter and it was the best one ever! I could only remember the beginning and end of the POV's.

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