10. The Re-Death of a Kind Soldier

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Nico's POV

     As they all follow behind me I run towards James and Lily's house. Luke was following behind us so I was cutting through some alleys. Finally, after what seemed like forever, we made it to their house with no trace of Luke.

     I knocked on the door and a few seconds later Lily opened the door. "Nico! What are you doing here?" She asks.
     "Sorry, I hate intruding, but do you mind if I come in?" I ask.
     "No, no, come in! Who are these friends? A friend of yours is a friend of ours!" She nearly shouted, causing us to look around. Not even bothering to ask questions about Percy or Annabeth's clothing choices.
     "Thank you! This is Percy, Annabeth, and Hazel," I tell her.
     "Ahh, the famous Percy, Annabeth, and Hazel," at that I blush. "Well, what are you looking for?" She asks trying to make conversation.
     "Severus actually, we were hoping you knew where he was," I tell her while everyone else stays silent.
     "I do! He's going to be in the house over. Why? Do you need him?"
     "Well, I hate telling you this, but a goddess's orders. We need to re-kill him," she stares at us in confusion.
     "Well, we stole my father's sword and need to bring him back to life to help win a war," I tell her.
     "Oh. So, a few things though, you will have to sneak attack him, because he is not going to let you bring him back. Secondly, please make sure that he stays alive again. Not that I don't love having him here, but because I want him to have a happy life, not just one here," Lily tells us sincerely.
     "We will do everything in our willpower to do so," I say looking back at the others, who nod their heads.
     "Alright. Once you finish though, the war I mean, come back and let me know, I would love to see everyone again," she mentions looking to the others who once again nod their heads.
     "Well, hopefully, we'll see you in a few weeks at most and days at best!" I state as she escorts us to the door.
     "If any of you pass, please come see James and me here, you can meet little Jenny as well," she tells us smiling.
     "We will, now we really must be going," I remind her sadly.
     "Yes, yes! Of course! Go win this war!" She calls from her doorway.
     We walk out the door and see Luke, Beck, and Silena standing out front, arms folded, eyebrow raised, glaring at us. Shit.
     "Hey, guys!" Percy greets trying for a good guy. "We really need to go!" He then starts to rush past them, but Beck grabs his arm.
     "Not so fast there, Savior of Olympus," he replies hauling Percy back towards us.
     "I'm sorry we really must be going! Why don't we catch up when we die? Hm? We can tell you about everything that happened!" Percy yells that is not something you say to dead people.
     "Why were you guys with Lily?" Silena questions.
     "Uhhh, long story, we'll tell you when we die!" Percy shouts, rushing past but once again, Beck stops him.
     "Nope, what is going on," Luke orders.
     "Top secret, we'll tell you once we finish," I rush.
     "No, tell us now," Luke says.
     "No can do Luke, sorry," Percy remarks after he whispers something to Annabeth.
     "Fine, go do it, but this was not my idea," Annabeth replies to Percy. "Don't go too far."
     Whatever Percy's going to do will be interesting. He walks up to Beck and Luke still in his baby clothes and starts...WHAT THE FUCK! HE'S TRYING TO SEDUCE THEM! He's rubbing up against them while the two boys stand there and protest trying to move away. Silena is looking at him in shock. I THOUGHT PERCY WAS STRAIGHT! Whoops, I said that out loud.
     "He is, he's trying to get them to let us go," Annabeth whispers to me trying not to laugh.
     "Percy! Stop! Get off us!" Luke shouts, but Percy just keeps ongoing.
     "Percy!" Beck yells, pushing Percy off, but Percy just keeps on coming. "Percy get off me, or when you really do die, I'll kill you again!"
     "That's impossible, baby," Percy says trying to sound sexy. While Silena stands there watching trying not to giggle.
     Annabeth by this point is on the ground laughing while Hazel is blushing and giggling. I on the other hand stand there and watch.
     "I'll only stop if you let us go," Percy tells them, about to go in for a kiss on Luke.
     "PLEASE! WE WILL LET YOU GO! ANYTHING!" Beck says just as Percy's lips are about to reach Lukes, well with Percy, cupping Luke's face and Luke, trying to get away.
     "Thanks! See you when we die!" Percy yells as he runs away, I quickly follow him, Annabeth and Hazel are behind us laughing hysterically.
     The boys are standing there in shock while Silena is pounding the ground howling with laughter. We walk over to Snape's house and knock on the door, he opens.
     "Hello...Nico," he's always had such a weird speech pattern.
     "Hello...Severus," I mock him, which got a chuckle out of him.
     I take out the sword discreetly somehow, and plunge it into his heart, he did notice when I pulled the sword up but didn't have enough time to draw his wand. Thankfully, whenever someone is resurrected they show up at the place they die, so we know exactly where. Well, the Golden Trio does.
     I should probably tell Harry about Jenny when we get back. I shadow travel back to my father's vault and put the sword back taking the Jelly Beans.
     I then once again Shadow Travel back to Elysium and grab hold of the other three. I couldn't Shadow Travel again, so Hazel did it this time. She shadow travels us to the Great Hall and we rush to the Gryffindor table to find, the Golden Trio.
     "Guys, he's back. He's where he died. Where is that?" Annabeth asks.
     "The Herbology greenhouses, number four," Hermione says automatically.
     "Let's go, come one Harry, time to meet your sister's godfather," I tell him. He chokes on his Pumpkin Juice.
     "Sister?! Godfather?!" He shouts.
     "Yeah, now let's go you can ask him all that later, come on!" With that, we head to greenhouse number four. Where we see the dark-cloaked man, pacing. 

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