22. Meet Your New Members!

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A/N Last chapter before the epilogue! This seems like a Percy POV so let's go!

Percy's POV

"Alright, guys, so we'll all barge in there and I'll scream silence, then use my powers to almost killing Zeus, I know The Fates said Zeus but I gotta get Hera back. Got it? Good. Let's roll," I say as we stood outside the Throne Room, listening to the gods argue while we go over the plan. This is going to feel amazhang! You see what I did there? ;)

"YES! I WANTED TO SEE HER DEAD SINCE SHE KIDNAPPED YOU!!!" Annabeth whispered shouted.

"She won't be completely dead, just nearly dead. Now, come on," I tell them all walking to the Throne Room's doors. I then push the wooden doors open slamming them into the walls of the incredible Throne Room Annabeth redesigned. 

"SILENCE!" I yell over to the gods as they are in their 20 feet tall form. They did look over at the doors banging open, but still, it felt SO good. 

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" Zeus shouted in anger. 

"Good to see you to Drama Queen, Bitch Hera," I greet the two. 


"Oh, I'm joining actually we came to give you some plentiful information, thank you Annabeth for that big word." She facepalmed.

"NO, YOU WILL NOT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO JOIN MERE DEMIGODLING!" I burst out laughing along with the others, even Clarisse. 

"Oh, but what do you mean? I am more powerful than you would you like for me to demonstrate? Hi Dad! Hi Lady Athena, Lady Artemis, Hades, and Lady Hestia!" I exclaim waving to them all, after the Giant war we all got a wish, I used mine to give Hades and Hestia spots on the Olympian Council. 

"Percy, you can not talk to them that way, no matter how much I agree with you," Dad scolded me, with a look of longing. I think I used that word right. 

"Yes, I can. I'm more powerful than everyone in this room! Can I show you?" I say not waiting for an answer. I then control all the water in Zeus and Hera's Ichor, freezing it. I grab the water molecules from the air and form a nice big bubble around the two in the shape of a heart. With the words, 'Demigod Life Ruiners Together Forever'. "Now aren't they just perfect? Why don't we finish the show off with a bang?" I summoned a minor earthquake, well a minor for me, and a major for my dad. 

"Ta-da!" I say doing jazz hands as I release the water from Zeus and Hera, unfreeze their Ichor, and stopped the earthquake. "See more powerful," I stated simply. All the gods that weren't passed out on the floor look at me in awe, shock, wonder, amazement, and terrification. That's fun. (Terrification is a word look it up.)

"P-Percy, uh, can you wake them? We want to know some stuff and I'm sure they do, too," my dad asked stumbling on my name. Scaring people, what a wonderful thing.

"Alright," I huff walking over while everyone and I mean everyone was still trying to process what I just did, even the demigods, they knew I was powerful but not that powerful. I'm barely even tired!

I bent over Hera since she hasn't said anything and slapped her, effectively waking her up, then I went over to Zeus jumping on him where the sun doesn't shine since he was in his big form. It was quite fun. That also was effective.

"YOU DARE!" Zeus rages.

"Yes, now sit your arse down, so we can answer all your questions. We will start off first then it will be more thoroughly explained. So, they are Warriors," I gestured to Clarisse, Chris, Katie, Connor, Travis, and Miranda, "of The Fates. The Fates will go over all their powers. They are Heroes of The Fates." I gestured to Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Calypso, Leo, Nico, Will, and Annabeth. "And yours truly is The Fates Savior." I put my hands on my shoulder smiling like a prissy pink girl, being the sassy person I am. "Now, would The Fates like to come down and answer any other questions?" I ask hoping they won't so I can do the whole 'Fuck you Fates' thing again. Thankfully, they didn't come down. They must've read my mind.

"Well, if you insist." I bang my foot on the ground three times. "Fuck you Fates! Come down here and face my wrath!" The gods all looked at me in horror as I insulted The Fates, while the others shook their heads. 

"Percy, just because you are the most powerful demigod ever DOES NOT mean you can go around insulting The Fates," my father whispered looking up, wearily. Gods, Annabeth is really rubbing off on me.

There was a big flash of light. "You called?" The Fates said, bored. Perfect they are playing along with my scheme. 

"Yes, please explain more thoroughly," I said exasperated.

"Of course. So,-" The Fates were cut off.

"YOU AREN'T GOING TO SMITE HIM!" Ares shouted, angered that I could insult The Fates and get away with it, while he did it once and he would be in Tartarus. 

"No, now sit down, we will answer any and all questions, you have."

A/N Epilogue next!

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