11. Labyrinth 2.0

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Luna's POV

"Luna, Neville! Come on!" Ginny shouted to Neville and me.

"Alright!" I replied. "Come on, the Nargles are going to get to us if we stay here any longer."

"Well then, let's go," Neville told me. We used to get along well, but lately, he's been distant, I think he's getting together with Hannah Abbott from Hufflepuff.

We ran up to the others, which were the demigods, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Draco. I knew all along Draco was a demigod, I just never told anyone. We walked into Greenhouse 4, and I saw Professor Snape. I thought he died? His soul must've come back, silly Nargles.

"Why have you brought me back!" He yelled, why's he being so rude to the Nargles?

"That would be my doing," A woman with beautiful blonde hair and black eyes said. 

"Lady Hecate," I whispered and bowed.

"Luna, how nice it is to see you again. Please stand up. Severus, I have brought you back for a few reasons, one because I need your potions skills. Two because you need to make amends with the people behind you. Three, there is a war normally I would say you can die after I use you, but Zeus said you have to stay alive whenever you bring someone back, so, you are going to fight in the war, if you die, then you die," she shrugged. I've always loved how carefree the gods and goddesses are, always thinking about themselves.

"Why don't you all fill him in, and then I can ask him for the recipes and everything."

"Of course Lady Hecate," Hazel replied. I think her name is Hazel.

"Alright, so Greek and Roman Gods are real. There's a war going on. Kronos and Voldemort teamed up and there is only one way to kill them, not sure how yet, but yeah. Then here's the prophecy,
The seven shall rise once again,
With Ghost King, Apollo's son, and the Titaness they shall fend.
Go to Scotland and find the two.
Hecate shall go and woo.
The blessed shall rest,
The gods will find success.
Golden and silver trios shall help,
Find Athena's lost son and kelp.
Together as one,
The dark world will fall
And the Oracle will lead them all." How they remember that is weird. Oh, that was Percy.

"Yeah, we got the first four lines done. The fifth and sixth shouldn't happen till the end, the next two are done, and the last three still need to happen," Piper? Yeah, Piper said.

"Alright... so, who is the blessed... and the gods are the gods," Snape said.

"We are the blessed, so we rest, either die or no more war," Hermione chimed in. 

"Remember there's always double meaning or something," I told them. The demigods nodded.

"Together... as one, The dark... world will fall, and... the Oracle will lead them all," I've always liked his weird speech pattern. 

"Yes, our Oracle has led us through a maze before so maybe something will happen in an alive maze," Annabeth said shuddering.

"Alright, now Hecate, I'll give you my memory, I've cast a charm so that I still have them," Snape said bringing his wand to his temple, where he pulled out a beautiful shimmering string of blueish silver light.

"Thank you, now, I must go, Zeus will get mad," Hecate said then left the greenhouse to flash away.

"Percy! Annabeth!" A girl with red frizzy hair called. I wonder how she knows them?

"Rachel?" I guess they don't know her.

"Yeah, the Labyrinth is back, I fell through a crack at Zeus's fist, now I'm here," she told them.

"Crap," better than what Ron would've said.

A/N I know, short chapter. The next chapter will be longer.

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