13. The Way Back

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Leo's POV

"You do know where you're going right? Leo McShizzle doesn't want to be gone all week," I said, being my beautifully annoying self.

"Yes, I can see through the mist completely and through any monster's disguises. So, shut up and let me concentrate," Rachel snapped back. Sheeze didn't need to be so harsh.

I stayed quiet from then on, but we reached a Sphinx. From what Annabeth told us her first time here, the Sphinx didn't even use riddles. Hopefully, it's the same way. 

"Hello, I am a Sphinx. You can not pass without answering five riddles, apparently one and three were too easy," she grumbled. At least I think it was a she. 

"Alright, Leo McShizzle Bad Boy Supreme, Harry Potter, and Rachel Elizabeth Dare, at your service," I said mock bowing.

"No. Only one," she said smiling even more evilly than my Aunt Rosa. 

"Alright, so who should it be?" I ask as we all huddle up.

"Well, not me. I am horrible with riddles," Harry said backing out.

"Not me. The last time I had a riddle the answer was candle wax and I said a ham sandwich," Rachel told me backing out. 

"Alright, Leo Valdez Bad Boy Supreme it is. I did pretty well with riddles in school," I informed them rubbing my hands together.

"I am your one," I exclaimed turning around to face the Sphinx. 

"Alright, first up. There are five pieces of coal, a carrot, two sticks, and a hat laying on the ground. No one put them there. Why are they there and how did they get there?" That was tough but not hard enough to get Leo out of the game.

"They're there because people built a snowman and he melted," I answered confidently. 

"Correct," the Sphinx grumbled. "Second riddle. What is in front of you but can not be seen?" These were getting harder. It could be only one thing, but I can't think of the name. Shoot! Oh! I remember!

"The future," I state.

"Correct again," she groaned. Harry and Rachel were staring at me in shock. Thanks a lot. "Third riddle. How many letters are in the English Alphabet?"

I know this is 26 common sense, but it has to be a trick question. Only I have to figure out how. Well, she never said if it was words or not so I guess this is it. 

"18," she looked shocked. Maybe I can use these on Annabeth later, see if she can get them.

"Correct," she mumbled surprise still evident in her voice. Gods she needed a cough drop. Her voice was as raspy as sandpaper on steroids. "Fourth. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?" Crap. Well, I've heard one similar about tall, but that's weird, maybe it's the opposite. Let's see short is already short. When you add the 'er' to it, now, it's shorter. Perfect.

"Short," I answer.

"Yes, that is right," she sighs. "Finally, the hardest, riddle yet, not my original this is harder. A boy was born in 1928, he just celebrated his 18th birthday today. How is that possible?" She asked, probably hoping I would get it wrong. 

Uh. Well, he could be Nico, that's when he was born. I don't think the has traveled this far though. Where are people born? A hospital, how many rooms are in the average hospital? I have no clue. Maybe he was born in a big hospital? No. Ugh! I hate guessing! I sound like Annabeth!! You know what I'm going to go with my gut, which normally gets me in trouble, so I'm going to go with my gut's, guts feeling, which is to go with my gut's feeling. Which is to... 

"He was born in room 1928 in a hospital," I answered.

"Right. You may pass," the Sphinx grumbled sadly. 

"Thank you! Come on Enchiladas let's roll!" I exclaimed. 

The other two stood there gaping at me. "What? Didn't think I could answer some questions?" I asked, they nodded. "Thanks," I responded.

"Well, come on! We can't stand there all day!" I shout at them. Gods, they're turning into Hazel. Surprised I could walk, talk, and actually solve riddles. Guess what, I was one of the smartest people in my class at school! The only reason I wasn't was because of ADHD and Dyslexia!

We walked through the maze with Rachel in the lead. We came upon a few monsters nothing to extravagant. See, big word. I felt it when we landed at the hideout I could feel it. Dark, gloomy, creepy, and well, weird. 

We popped up at a spot, surprisingly it actually led into the building. Great. I could see a coffin and a big dude, he looked kind of like The Rock. We got out and hid behind some rock. 

"Tom it is almost complete. My Titan body is almost together, by nightfall we should be able to take over that silly wizard school and head to the camp. By Sunday we can take over the world." Just then I thought where was Harry. It would tell me the exact coordinates that way we know where this place is, and how long it will take to get to Hogwarts.

56.7705° N, 4.9796° W. Perfect. I'll get to Hogwarts when we get back. I gave Rachel the thumbs up and we grabbed onto Harry. He apparated us back, and let me say. It is so much better than shadow-traveling. Apparently, it makes a pop when you disappear, but it's not like they will know we were there. 

Where is Harry Potter? Hm? Oh, that's right. 55.4156° N, 1.7059° W. Boom! All da ladies love Leo.

"Alright. I got the coordinates. Their place is 56.7705° N, 4.9796° W. Hogwarts is 55.4156° N, 1.7059° W. So, does anyone know the place those coordinates are?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Hogwarts and somewhere else," Percy responded sarcastically.

"Thanks. I mean where the place and how long it takes to get there?" 

"Oh. No. Annabeth?" Percy turned to her.

"Actually yes. When I was little my dad told me to look up coordinates for places I wanted to go someday. Well that was one of them. Steall Falls." 

A/N They're going to have some fun! All the coordinates are real, the places for Steall Falls is real. It's where they shot the triwizard cup scene where they fight the dragons. 

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