3. The Exchange Students

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Jason's POV

     This morning at 6:30 we all got up. Well, Frank, Hazel, Piper, Calypso, and I got up. Leo took ages just to wake up.

     "Wake up repair boy!" We all screamed at him, waking up the rest of the cabin.

     "Nooo, I don't want to go to school!"

     "You're not you get to do magic like the Hecate cabin, but with wands!" I shouted while the rest of the Hephaestus cabin started to gather.

     "Is he always like this?" Hazel turned to Nyssa.

     "Yeah. There are two ways to wake him up. You can either take his tool belt or threaten him with something," she sighed.

     "Alright, so Calypso it's up to you. Either take his tool belt and wack him over the head with it for making us late or no kisses for a week and still wack him over the head but with a wrench," Piper told Calypso. We tried Piper's charm speak and even that didn't work, he was too tired.

     "I like the kisses so that way it will hurt more," Calypso replied. Piper and she will get along just fine. "He did scare us all half-to-death when he actually died. He made me want to kill him when he broke my dining table, so the wrench it is. Leo! Get up or no kisses for a week!" She shouted at him.

     He jumped right up. Only to be hit in the head with a wrench by Piper. "Owww! What was that for!" He screamed.

     "That was for not waking up, for scaring us all when you died, and for breaking Calypso's dining table," Hazel replied cooly.

     "Alright. I'm up. Now, when do we leave?" He asked. By that point, it was already 6:55.

     "5 minutes! Now get a move on Repair Boy! Sorry, everyone! If you would like to go back to sleep Piper will charm speak you," I told them all.

     "Once Leo's out of the cabin," Frank said.

     "Who wants to go back to sleep?" Piper asked.

     No one raised their hands except for Leo. "Not you idiot! The others!" Calypso shouted at him.

     "Then, you should've been clearer!"

     "Alright, 2 minutes till we have to leave ready Repair Boy?" I asked glaring at Leo.

     "Yep! Let us go! To infinity and beyond!" He exclaimed striking a pose in superman formation.

At Thalia's Tree

     "Frank you have Calypso and some luggage, Hazel you have Leo, I pray for you, and I have Pipes and some luggage. Ready?" I called out as Frank turned into a dragon, Hazel helped Leo mount Arion as he couldn't lift his leg up high enough, and there wasn't a mounting block. Piper and I were already on Tempest, so we were all set.

     "Don't we have to call Perce? Tell him Leo and I will get there, then Frank and Calypso, and you and Piper last?" Hazel asked.

     "Oh, yeah we do. Hazel, can you two stay back since either way you'll still get there before 12?"

     "Yeah, sure! I'll see you guys there! With that, we took off.

At Hogwarts

     We arrived at Hogwarts I think it's called. Percy and Annabeth were already outside, talking to the others.

     "Hey, guys! How was your flight?" Annabeth asked.

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