4. They've got some more explaining to do

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Ron's POV

     Bloody hell. My brain was about to explode. First, the Greek Gods are real and now they have demigod children that are right in front of us. McGonagall whom we've known since we were 11 was one and the same goes for Draco, but we don't know much about Draco's personal life.

     "Wait. So, that prophecy has all of us in it?" I asked not quite sure how to ask.

     "Yes, Weasly. The Golden and Silver Trios shall help? Those trios are you six. It also involves Malfoy. He is Athena's lost son, and we believe one of the two," McGonagall sighed. Well, sorry I'm not ask mentally gifted as Hermione.

     "O-okay. What does the prophecy mean? Also, the seven shall rise once again? What have you done before?" Harry asked while I was still processing.

     "Alright. Annabeth can I just give them the books? Hermione can read it to them. Then it will save us some explaining?" Percy whined. Wow. That was funny.

     "No. We will give our FULL titles and FULL name," Annabeth told him groaning at the full title and looking at Percy.

     "Fine, Wise Girl. Should we start with the shortest or the longest?" He asked looking at everyone.

     "Let's save the best for last. Next to you Perce, we'll look like an ant next to an elephant," Leo told him.

     "Alright. Since Draco just found out, then it's him. Minerva, Calypso, Will, Piper or Frank or Leo, then Hazel or Jason, Nico, Annabeth, and me. Right, Annabeth?" Percy asked pointing to each and every one of them.

     "Yeah. Take it away Draco!" She exclaimed sighing.

     "Well. I'm Draco Malfoy, son of Athena. My dad cheated on my mom, however, I still live with my adoptive, step-mother I guess. I came in early July, about a month before the second giant war. So I survived that. That's it I guess in the demigod world," I replied snottily.

     "Well, I'm Minerva McGonagall as you know. Daughter of Athena. Only the Demigods may call me Minerva," she said with a pointed glare at Harry and me. "I have survived World War 2 before knowing I was a demigod, have helped in the Second Titan War and helped in the Second Giant War, oh and I am a demigod spy here at Hogwarts."

     "I'm Calypso the Titaness, daughter of Atlas the Titan. Queen of Ogigya, escapee of Ogigya, and survived the first Titan War taking my father's side landing me on Ogigya. I'm dating Leo Valdez as well," Calypso told us.

     "What's your last name?" I asked confused.

     "I don't have one. And I won't till I get married," she replied growing angry.

     "Well. I'm Will Solace. Son of Apollo. Head healer at Camp Half-Blood, head counselor of the Apollo cabin, survived the Battle of the Labyrinth, the second Titan war survivor, and the second Giant war survivor. And Nico Di Angelo is my significant other," at the last part Nico scoffed.

     "More like a significant annoyance."

     "Come one Sunshine. You know you love me!"

     "You're right for once," he muttered as Will put his head on Nico's shoulder.

     "O!O!O! Pick me! Pick me! I'll go!" Leo shouted jumping up and down with his hand in the air.

     "Go right ahead Repair Boy," Piper replied sighing.

     "Alright! I'm Leo Flaming Hot Valdez, Bad Boy Supreme, Commander of the Argo 2, I am the first Fire user in 500 years a Son of Hephaestus. One of the Seven, Hero of Olympus, Freer of Hera, found and used Archimedes Spheres, finder of Ogigya, helped lead the Giant War, found Ogigya twice. Saved this lovely lady whom I am dating," he exclaimed pointing to Calypso. "Defeator of Dirt Face, or as a real name Gaea, Defeator of Nike, Part of one major prophecy, died then came back to life, Defeator of a bunch of Giants, Head counselor of the Hephaestus Cabin, and tamed Festus the dragon." Wow. He has done a lot. Not as much as Harry, Hermione, or me though.

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