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A/N Last chapter! Not sure whether to be happy or sad. Thank you to all who read, we got just under 400 reads! Also sorry for any typos, I'm doing this on my phone.

18 Years Later

Harry's POV

Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and everyone's kids and spouses, we're just about to walk into Camp Half-Blood for our yearly visits. This year was the demigod's turn to host.

I'll go over a few things. After, the war, the second one, a few years later I proposed to Ginny and Ron to Hermione. Neville and Luna broke up a few weeks after the war, they are both now married and have kids. Neville to Hannah Abbott, and Luna to Rolf Scamander. Don't tell them, but I ship Luna and Neville.

Our kids. After Ginny retired we got pregnant with James Sirius Potter, while Ron and Hermione with Rose Granger-Weasley. Then, about two years later we got Albus Severus Potter, lastly, we had Lily Luna Potter while the GW's as I call them had Hugo Granger-Weasley. Neville has no kids, while Luna had Lorcan and Lysander Scamander. Draco who we keep in contact with married Astoria Greengrass and had Scorpius Malfoy.

Now that that's covered, we just knocked on the door to the big house. Percy and Annabeth offered to take over camp so Zeus grudgingly agreed to take off Dionysus's 50 years. Percy and Annabeth's daughter Daisy (A/N not what I would name them,) answered the door.

"Auntie Ginny, Mione, Wuna, Annah! Uncle Hawwy, Won, Neville, Wolf!" Her three-year-old voice shouts introducing us all.

"Hey, Daisy! Ready to fight?" Eddie said walking into the room. "Oh, hey guys! We were just about to duel, wanna join?"

"Nah, us adults are going to find your parents, why don't the kids though?" Ron says.

"Alright, follow me, mom and dad are dueling in the arena, they started about an hour ago, so they won't get mad. The others are with them as well.

And that is our usual every other year's experience at Camp Half-Blood.

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