15. A New War

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Will's POV

It was now 12:30 am, I was outside with Ron keeping watch while everyone else was inside determining the battle strategy. We figured we would get to know each other, so naturally we were playing 20 questions, except we passes 20 maybe 15 minutes ago. We were now playing how many questions can we think of!

"What would you most like to change about the world?" I asked. We were playing we both answer. "I would say all the war or poverty."

"Everyone to be ginger would be good. A ginger world. That would be cool." A/N Not sure if you guys have seen that video or not I'll put it up in the link. Question starts at 3:25 and ends at 3:40. 

"What?!" I said obviously alarmed. 

"Yeah. Everyone to be a ginger, that would be perfect."

"O-okay, your turn," I said still confused.

"Alright. What kind of parent do you think you'll be and what kind of parent do you want to be? I think I'll be that weird dad no one wants to be related to. I want to be a dad where they can talk to them about anything though."

"Yikes. I'll probably be the laid back dad who is sort of strict, but I want to be a dad like you." I decided it would be a good time to look overtop of the wall. As we were sitting on the ground looking through cracks in the barriers. "Shit. They're here."


"Yeah, they're here. Let's go tell the others," I said looking at him.

Ron however, just stood there. "Hey, it's going to be alright, this is your second home. Everything will work out." I put a hand on his shoulder. He nodded and walked with me.

We walked into the Gryffindor common room and they looked up startled. "Why aren't you boys keeping watch!?" Minerva asked surprised we left our post.

"There's no need to keep watch any longer Minerva. They're already here."

"Alright, we all know what's happening? Ron you go with the North group," Annabeth said gesturing to the group standing up North. There was the Ares, Aphrodite, Hepheastues, Iris, and part of the Hecate cabin. "Will you go with the South group," she told me gesturing towards the group down South. I was with, the Apollo cabin, the other half of the Hecate cabin, along with part of the Athena, Hermes, Hypnos, Nike, Tyche, Hebe, Demeter, and the one Dionysus kid. The Athena kids explained to me what was going on and I got to work. All of a sudden there was an earsplitting voice.

"Bring us the Half-bloods they know who they are, bring us the golden, silver, trios and the leader of the bronze. Give us your headmistress and all will be forgotten, or war will be started and you will fight again. You have ten minutes." Geez, what will we do now. Oh yeah, fight.

"Alright, get to your spots, we've called every first through fifth year to the hall, Nico will shadow-travel them to camp and the others will stay to fight. Will, you have the unicorn draught right?" Annabeth told us all. I nodded. "Alright. Each of the war vetrans give a pep talk to your team, after the 10 minutes it's war. Our battle cry, what do you think?" She asks rethorically. No one answers.

"For Olympus! Peanut Butter!" She yelled as we all laughed and cheered. "All file out!"

My group headed South. It's lucky we have the biggest group, seeing as everyone came from the South. This is going to be a long war, and one hell of a long day. 

A/N There will be a few more chapters, I won't be making a sequel. Also please go read my Solangelo Oneshots!

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