6. The Prophecy Starts

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A/N As you know the Prophecy Starts now.

Annabeth's POV

     Today I woke up with no Percy. That's weird normally he's still asleep. I just figured he woke up early and headed to breakfast. When I got to breakfast he wasn't there. I was starting to freak out and have a flashback. Crap.

     "Percy! Percy! Where are you!" I was shouting.

     I couldn't see him and I was wandering. "Percy!"

     "Annabeth. I'm here! Follow my voice! AHHH!"

     "Percy! Where are you?!" I shouted I was scared to death. I was blinded and I didn't know where Percy was in this pit. 

     "Percy! Where are you! I can't see you!"

     "Annabeth wake up!" I heard coming from someone's voice it sounded like Nico's.

     "Percy!" I shouted hoping I could get to him before the Aria. 

     "Annabeth. Wake up! Get me a knife!" Nico shouted. I felt the presence of a weapon near me and sat up grabbing the knife pointing it at him.

     "Where's Percy, Annabeth?" Will asked gently as I was recovering.

     "I-I don't know. I woke up and he was gone. I figured he just woke up early and went to breakfast but he isn't here," I replied shaking.

     "Don't worry. We'll find him. But, Draco's also gone. Find Athena's lost son and kelp," Nico replied reciting the prophecy.

Percy's POV

     I woke up in a dark cell. With Draco next to me passed out. He isn't normally knocked out so I'm assuming he won't be up for another five or six hours. Me on the other hand I've probably been unconscious for about half an hour. I looked through our cell and it was pitch black. It was either night or there were no windows. 

     All I could think of was Annabeth. Oh Annabeth, if she's awake she's probably worried. This is the second time I've disappeared and not known where I was in two years. 

     "Ahh. Little Perseus has awaken. I'm not surprised," a dark figure said coming out of no where. "Little Draco over here. He used to be one of my followers. I could always tell he didn't want to be there though, Lucius forced him."

     "Who are you?" I asked.

     "I am Tom Riddle, more commonly known as Voldemort. They thought I was killed last year, and I was. However, I was met in Tarturas with Kronos," I shivered at the mention of Tarturas. "We devised a plan to come back, stronger, and better than ever. There is only one way to kill us and that will never be revealed."

     "I already have many ideas of ways to kill you." People may think I'm dumb but I really am smarter than some think. 

     "I am sure you do. None of them are probably correct though."

     "With the two smartest people I know we are bound to kill you."

     "Well, without their leader and their secondary leader's brother and boyfriend, you will never win they need you to win this battle just like every other one."

     "Alright, we will see."

     "I'll be back once young Draco wakes up." With that he swept away with his cloak floating in the air.

5 hours later

     Draco finally woke up, took long enough. It's not like he hasn't been knocked out before. "Draco. Draco. Voldemorts here he's alive again with Kronos on his side!" I stage whispered to him.


     "He said there is only one way to kill them. I'm guessing Kronos is in his full Titan form."

     "Alright, first we need to know where we are."

     "I don't know I'll try to use my Empathy Link with Grover. Maybe he can send them all a message," I told him hopefully.

     I was consentrating as hard as I could, I wouldn't be surprised if it looked like I was constipated. Grover are you there? It's Perce.

    Yeah, I'm here. What's going on?

     I've been kidnapped with Annabeth's brother. I don't know what time it is, but I need you to tell Annabeth and everyone that Draco and I are together. I can feel some water around us. About a mile. It feels big, it's the Atlantic. Tell her please!

     I will Perce where are they? Stay safe!

     Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Iris message Annabeth. She's probably in our dorm with everybody else discussing this.

     Alright I will. Stay safe!

     I will.

Grover's POV

     I couldn't believe it. Percy got kidnapped again! Can he ever not be kidnapped!

     "Oh Iris. Goddess of messages, please show me Annabeth Chase and friends at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," I asked her throwing a dracma into some mist.

     "Grover! What is it? Percy's missing!" Annabeth shouted at me. Of course she would be worried. Her boyfriend has been kidnapped two time in the past two years.

     "I know! He used his Empathy Link and contacted me! He's with Draco, he can feel like he's about a mile from the Atlantic. Hold on. I'm getting another link from him."

     Grover my coordinates are, Lattitude: 43.5523 Longitude: -6.8457. We're at As Catedrais beach. Around Spain from the coordinates.

     Alright, I'm on an IM with them now.

     "He just told me his coordinates. The latitude is 43.5523 and the Longitude is -6.8457. He said he's at As Catedrais beach somewhere near Spain!" I exclaimed excited. Gods, Percy being kidnapped has never been this easy.

     "Okay! How are we supposed to get there who is going, and how guarded is it."

     "I'm going to go out on a limb and say very highly guarded. Oh, and bring Nico, and Annabeth. This way Nico can shadow-travel and Annabeth and Percy can fight together if need be with Nico," Jason replied.

     "Bye guys! Let me know when you find him!" I called waving.

     This is gonna be a fun time. Great war!

Nico's POV

     We were sitting around in Percy and Annabeth's dorm after Grover called. So, I would be shadow-travelling with Annabeth there and then bring her, Percy, and Draco back. Fun, Will is going to fuss over me for another week. I'm going to be shadow-traveling to Spain!

     "Well, guys you ready?" I asked.

A/N I know it's moving fast but it will be going slower this should be finished within 20 or so chapters. Those are the actual coordinates for that beach by the way. My friend just said that Percabeth should go die. Percy only lives for his mother, apparently. I love her to death, but gods is she stupid.

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