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A/N So, I changed up the prophecy a little bit, it would make writing so much easier. So, hope it's alright!

Hazel's POV

     Finally! It took them long enough, we were about to go get Nico and Annabeth! Now, with Annabeth's signature return of Percy Judo Flip. She growled something to him I assume because when he got up, he had a scared look in his eyes. That is the only time since after Tarturas I have seen Percy scared.

     "Alright, now that some people are back safely, why don't you tell us what happened?" I asked for once being the smart one.

     "Well, good and good news. Good news! We know who we're fighting! It's Voldemort and Kronos! Good news, there's only one way to kill them," Percy told us sarcastically.

     "Alright, do you have any idea on how to kill them?" Annabeth asked. "Any clues, or something? Wait. Nevermind I forgot who I'm asking the two most OBLIVIOUS PEOPLE ON THE PLANET!" Annabeth shouted at them while both Draco and Percy blushed.

     "So, I do have an idea on how to kill them. He did leave a little bit of a hint. He said that you'll never think of it. He also said that they need me in this battle. I think I have a big role in this, again," Percy huffed. Gods that kid could never catch a break.

     "Wait, what if it's like we have to combine all of our powers, or they have to be killed at the same time. Those two are stupid enough to think of something that cliche," Harry pointed out.

     "Maybe, but we would have to wait and see. Also for this battle, I think we are going to need some more backups. Not just the wizards, and us 10 demigods. I think it's time we call in the Hunters, Camp Jupiter, and Camp Half-Blood," Draco told us, and we all agreed.

     "Now, wh-" Annabeth was cut off. Crap. An angry Annabeth is not a good Annabeth.

     "Hello, demigods and wizards! I believe I require your assistance," Hecate said coming out of nowhere.

     "Lady Hecate, it would be an honor, however, we are already aiding in this war," I politely decline.

     "Oh, Hazel dear! This is part of the war! If you don't help me then the world will end! Simple as that! Now, I'll tell you what I need. All I need is for you to get Severus Snape back here and alive. He is the best potion master ever, and he has a potion for something that I need, and I, of course, don't know how to make it. Now, get him here in the next week."

     Great. Just great. Now we have to bring some dead guy back to life. What fun. "Isn't this the Hecate will go and woo, line of the prophecy?" Piper asked.

     "I think so, woo can also mean favor or assistance," Annabeth replied.

     "Alright, then. Let's go bring back this Snape dude!" Percy exclaimed.

     "Seaweed Brain, forgetting something?" Annabeth asked.

     "Oh, yeah. Death Breath, Wise Girl, and Ms. Metal Detector! I believe we shall go on the adventure, we have Hades two kids, the super-smart genius, and Hade's favorite nephew! The perfect team!" Percy announced. 

     "One flaw Percy," Annabeth told him. "How are we going to bring him back to life?"

     I saw Nico looking away awkwardly. "Nico. What. Do. You. Know," I growled.

     "I can bring him back, but if Hades finds out then we are doomed, and we can't blame it on Hecate. We just need to very simply get into my dad's high-security vault, with skeleton warriors, and a bunch of other guards, then a replace a certain dangerous weapon, lastly, go re-murder this Snape figure with it. See, simple," he said sarcastically. Wow. That is great. As he finished we all facepalmed.

     "So, what you're saying is that it is virtually impossible," Annabeth scolded him.


     "Alright, we'll do it," Percy heroically exclaimed.

     "Whatever Seaweed Brain," Annabeth scolded him.

     "So, Wise Girl? What's our mad battle strategy?" Percy asked mockingly.

     "I have a plan...," we spent the rest of the night plotting how to bring back this Snape fellow, then get murdered by my father. Fun night!

A/N Sorry felt right to leave you on a cliff hanger. The next chapter should be up tomorrow or Tuesday. Depends on school work.

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