21. Graduation

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Harry's POV

Today was the day. Today was the day we left Hogwarts for good. Today was the day we graduated. Oh, gods, I can't believe it! Ron and I've secured jobs as Aurors, Hermione's got a job at the ministry for law enforcement, and Ginny's been recruited to play for the Holyhead Harpies after she finishes school. Neville's taking over Professor Sprout's position as Herbology professor, Luna well she's Luna, all the demigods are going back to Camp Half-Blood but will make occasional appearances to teach a few lessons on weaponry and hand-to-hand combat. Draco's working at the ministry as well, and Dean and Seamus are...actually I don't know what they're doing.

As of now, we were all sitting together at the bottom of a stage that appeared. Ginny and Luna wouldn't be graduating this year, but they sat with their boyfriends, or Neville and me. "Well, hello everyone, and welcome friends, families, and students, to our long overdue Hogwarts graduation!" McGonagall announced to the crowd. "We would like to have our class valedictorian say a few words and I will go over a few things. Now would Hermione Granger please come up?"

Everyone applauded as Hermione stood up and walked to the stage. We could see the top of her hat. Hermione wanted to do something and she forced us into it. It was a three-way hat of what she said our first year. 'We could have been killed, or worse expelled.' That was a fun day. 

"Welcome to our seventh-year redo graduation! Now, in my first year, I said this quote. 'We could have been killed, or worse expelled.' I believe we've all had our fair share of that quote," she said making everyone chuckle. "Well, this year was no exception. We had our war, I will not say who was the villain as that will be addressed later, however; my gods am I glad our years here are over. No offense to Hogwarts, it's my second home, but my second home has caused me to almost get killed much too often for my liking. Being a muggle-born has always been tough, being a wizard is tough, just being is tough. Now, imagine a perfect world, make that world a dystopia and that is what we just went through. A humongous dystopia. We got through it. We came back hoping for a normal, quiet year at Hogwarts. But, who are we kidding? I'm best friends with Harry Potter, life will never be normal. And this year wasn't anything less than, insane to the point of our heads exploding. Our brains hold the knowledge of crazy things, normal things, and random things, but what they hold the most, is memories. Why don't we go and discover new things, discover what could potentially be a normal wizard life, without Voldemort or our newest past threat arising. Let us go on to live our best wizard and witch lives. We've done our waiting! Eight years of it, at Hogwarts!" Ron and I smiled at each other knowing where she quoted that from. 

"Why thank you for that impeccable speech, Ms. Granger. I am guessing you would like to know of the newest past threat?"  Professor McGonagall asked while the crowd nodded their heads murmuring in agreement. "Well, not only was it Voldemort, but one of everyone here's distant ancestors. Yes, even you, my muggle friends. Seeing as you must have wizard blood to have a wizard or witch child, you have a squib somewhere in that tree of yours. Now, Greek and Roman Gods are real. Would all children please show yourself by standing and walking forward?" All the demigods stood up and walked forward. Besides the ones that we knew of before their performance, there was Ernie McMallin son of Apollo, Padma, and Parvati Patil daughters of Aphrodite, and Darrell Figgins a fifth-year Hufflepuff son of Nemesis. Ironic since he's in Hufflepuff. "These are their children. We have Percy Jackson our Weaponry Combat teacher a son of Poseidon, Annabeth Chase our hand-to-hand combat teacher, Draco Malfoy, and myself as daughters and son of Athena, Piper McLean, and the Patil twins' daughters of Aphrodite. Jason Grace son of Jupiter, Frank Zhang son of Mars, Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto, Nico Di Angelo son of Hades, Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus, Ernie McMallin, and Will Solace sons of Apollo, Darrell Figgins son of Nemesis, Calypso daughter of the titan Atlas. Our villain was Kronos the Titan of time and Voldemort. Our demigods who were sent here, so Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Calypso, Nico, and Will all defeated them and their army with a powerful orb when combined as one. And we are all descended from Hecate, goddess of Magic." Gasps were heard all around and people shouting profanities at Professor McGonagall. 

"Enough!" Percy shouted over everyone, no one listened. He looked at me and I nodded. Somehow I knew what he was going to do. He put his hand to the ground and it started to tremble a little it wasn't enough to destroy the castle or kill anyone but enough to get everyone's attention. "Thank you! Now, Minerva would you like to hand out diplomas?"

"Thank you, Percy, I would very much, there are a few words that will be said at the end though." That's weird we didn't go over that during the run-through, I probably zoned out. "Abbott, Hannah!" McGonagall exclaimed as she walked up to the stage. "Bones, Susan!" It continued. "Grace, Jason!" McGonagall exclaimed as Jason walked up, Hermione was next. "Greengrass Daphne!" Wait, no, Hermione is next, I remember for certain. I looked at Hermione confused and she looked just as confused, we know she graduated due to her being valedictorian. Maybe they just skipped over her name by accident. Nobody but the Weasley's seemed to notice, and the Granger's of course. "Patil, Parvati!" I was next! "Smith, Zacharias!" They skipped me too! Now, everyone noticed, how can you just skip Harry Potter! I wish I went unnoticed but I didn't. 

"What about Harry!"'s were shouted but McGonagall just kept going and hid the smirk I know was lurking behind the parchment. 

"Calm down, we will get to him. Now," and it continued. "Turpin, Lisa!" Ron was next, she better not skip him, too. "Zabini, Blaise!" Alright, now what is going on here!

"Now as some of you may have noticed, we skipped a few students. I will call them up now, please stay on the stage you three. Granger, Hermione! Weasley, Ronald! And Potter, Harry!" The three of us walked up to the stage and stood there awkwardly. "Now, these three have saved the wizarding world from Voldemort alone and helped in the most recent war, along with Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood. These three, however, have well, why don't you three recount your adventures. Yes, Potter, even the secret ones that I don't know about you can no longer get in trouble, and the ministry won't pin anything against you as it was to save the wizarding world." Oh, great. So, we recounted our adventures, and people looked at us amazed. I even talked about the whole Sirius thing. 

"Thank you, Potter, Weasley, and Granger. You will be missed not for your trouble, no-no-no. For your smarts."

"Wait! I'm smart!" Ron shouted as the whole Weasley family facepalmed along with Hermione and me, while everyone else gave a good laugh.

"Yes, Weasley. Now, it is time for our ceremonial crossing of the lake with Hagrid. Ready?" And we crossed. I looked back at my home and started to get teary-eyed. I'm really going to miss this place. Before we left, Percy and Annabeth gave us a statue that will call them but not with a phone like magically but no magically, it's weird. We know how to use it though. Goodbye Hogwarts. I know you'll always be here to welcome me back home.

A/N Yes the wizards are still alive, I know shocking.

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