2. The Prophecy

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A/N Hola! This chapter will have 3 POVs so I'll make sure that it is marked well.

Harry's POV

"Alright, you guys can come back in!" We heard Will yell his voice was much more cheery than Nico's. Just after we walked in Professor Chase and Jackson came in holding hands.

"Hello, I see you have met Nico and Will. Anyway, Nico called me and told me to come and check out this argument, since even though you are prefects he always finds a way to weasel out of something. Let's hear your side of the story Ron and Hermione with the spectators." Professor Jackson told us as if we were in a hearing.

"Yes, alright, Ronald you go first since it happened to you first," Hermione nudged him.

"Geeze 'mione. So, when we left the feast we noticed that Will and Nico weren't there with us. We then led the first years to the dormitories and checked the whole castle. When we couldn't find them we came back here." Ron said as Professor Jackson nodded his head. "Once we got back I came up here and checked. Well, they were here. I told them that they had detention for wandering off and they had to apologize. They both said that they didn't need a tour as they came with you two on the 29th. Then we argued over it for a few minutes before Nico asked Will if he could do something. He proceeded to death glare me and say some spell that made skeleton's come from the ground," at this Professor Chase shot a glare at both Will and Nico. Her glare was scarier than a dementor after giving a kiss. "The skeleton attacked me and I fell to the ground. Then Hermione came up and I'll let her take it from here."

"Thanks, Ronald. I called up to see if he found them, when there was no response I came up to see what was going on and found Ron on the floor with a skeleton on him, and Nico and Will chuckling, these four were standing there in shock. I told them detention for wandering off and doing the whole skeleton ordeal. He said no and did the same thing to me. I was smart enough to stun the skeleton, though," Hermione told them as the professors nodded along. "Then we got into a small debate and decided to call you."

"Great! Thank you. What about you four? Just have one person tell everything and have the others just add things in we will understand it better." Professor Chase told us all even though she is not head of the house.

"Alright, I'll tell, I guess. So, we came up while Hermione and Ron were giving the tour as they gave us the password. We walked in expecting to find our beds and nothing else. We ended up walking in on the two kissing," I told the two.

"Not just kissing a very heated make-out session!" Seamus added enthusiastically. With that comment, the professors hit the two on the arm.

"Great first impression you two!" Professor Chase yelled.

"Whatever," Nico grumbled with a blush on his cheeks.

"Anyway, we walked in after we stood there staring, they told us to come in as they knew we were there somehow. I asked how their bed was bigger and they told us they pushed the two together. We told them to please not have a makeout session in front, of us unless they were fine with Dean and Seamus, as they are together. They then kissed again resuming their make-out session. We then asked some more questions causing them to end it and both of them to pout," I told them. "We asked how they could get here faster than us without knowing the password. Nico told us you were friends and that they apparated here. I said how that's impossible since you can't apparate in Hogwarts. Then Ron came up and you know the rest," after I finished explaining both Will and Nico got a high-five from Professor Jackson, and Professor Jackson, Nico, and Will got a slap on the back of their head from Professor Chase.

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