14. The Beginning of the End

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A/N Sorry again for not posting!

Jason's POV

"WHAT!" We all shouted as Annabeth told us about Steall Falls. I don't know about the rest but I was upset her father made her look up coordinates for places she wanted to see. Who does that? Especially to a demigod!

"What?" Annabeth shrugged.

"Why did your dad make you look up coordinates for places and why did you remember that?" Piper asked.

"Oh. I was apparently being annoying by trying to tell my father about the Hover Dam. So, he told me to look up other places I wanted to see. And that was the top of my list. It takes four hours and 46 minutes to get there," she said as if putting butter on a bagel.

"O-okay," Piper replied confused, like the rest of us.

"Now, any other information that may be useful?" Annabeth asked the three.

"Oh yeah, these are Kronos's exact words, 'Tom it is almost complete. My Titan body is almost together, by nightfall we should be able to take over that silly wizard school and head to the camp. By Sunday we can take over the world,'" Leo said replicating Kronos's voice. 

"Okay. So, they should be here tomorrow let's say they'll apparate themselves here. We'll need to stand guard starting at midnight. We should all get some sleep now, a wizard, and a demigod together each shift. So who wants to go first?" Annabeth explains. Everyone raised their hands.

"Why don't Mr. Weasly and Will. We will call what is left of the order and alert the ministry. Everyone else off to bed. The next shift will be Calypso and Draco. Got it? Hour shifts each," McGonagall ordered. We all nodded. "Oh, and call the demigods. We'll need reinforcements, I'm sure they have both their armies."

I nodded. Percy and I left to call the camps. "Oh, Fleecy do me a solid and show me Chiron Camp Halfblood and Reyna camp Jupiter," Percy chanted. We only just realized that you can call two people at once.

"Hello Percy, Jason, Reyna," Chiron nodded. 

"Hey, guys, what do you need?" Reyna said. Her get-to-the-point face on. "Someone's trying to kill Dakota, so hurry up."

"Okay. There's another war. Kronos and the wizards Voldemort. We called for some back-up. If you could come, we can call Thalia, we both know Hylla won't want to come," Percy stated.

"Yes, I will. The Amazons will come and help, and we can be there in maybe four hours, for The Amazons and Camp Jupiter. Camp Half-Blood should take two hours. The Hunters are a few miles away, so just IM Thalia and let her know," Hylla said popping into view.

"Thanks! How do you know where Thalia is? Also, they are attacking tomorrow. Then if they finish Hogwarts they're attacking the camps," I told them.

"The Hunters and Amazon are close. Thalia and I send letters weekly telling each other about where we are and whatnot. She recently told me they were in London," Hylla explained.

"Alright, I'll IM her, please hurry though!" Percy pleaded.

Reyna then swiped through the message cutting off our message to her. Chiron was still on. "We'll send help. However, we have gotten many new campers recently. Over 30 so we will leave them. I'll leave three older campers to watch them. Who do you think?" Chiron asked.

"Uh, maybe Susan from Iris, Brady from Hebe, and Gret from Hypnos?" Percy replied although it sounded more like a question.

"Yes, they sound like the three. Now, we will be there within the hour, stay safe," Chiron told us.

Percy then swiped through the message. "Oh, Fleecy do me a solid and show me Thalia, Hunters of Artemis."

"What is it Kelp Head?" Thalia asked annoyed not seeing me. I stepped into view then. "Hey, Jase!"

"Not the time Pinecone Face. There's a war going on at Hogwarts. It's near London, can the Hunter's come?" Percy questioned.

"Let me ask Lady Artemis," she then stepped out of view for a minute, and when she returned a girl of about 12 stepped into view. 

Percy and I bowed. "M'lady. Could the Hunters come and help in a war? We know you are not allowed," I asked politely. 

"No need to bow. Yes, tell me your coordinates and we can be there in maybe a few minutes."

"55.4156° N, 1.7059° W. Those are our coordinates," Percy replied.

"Great! We are, 55.4156° N, 1.7057° W. We should be there in a few minutes."

"We will see you then, thank you again, when you get here we will be sleeping for rest since we are taking watches starting at midnight. Just ask the short man when you walk in to lead you to Gryffindor Tower, he knows about all of this," I told them.

"Yes, goodbye."  Lady Artemis then swiped through the message. Well, let's get some sleep.

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