20. Our Duties

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Lisa Turpin POV (Ravenclaw Student)

I have so many inquiries! We are related to the Greek Gods, very distantly I might add. I'll have to ask the demigods about them, they better know the answer.

Ernie McMallin POV 

Finally! I can show my identity, Percy and Annabeth didn't recognize me. Only because I'm a son of Apollo, I thought that with my bright blonde hair I would draw too much attention. I told everyone and they were astounded they didn't recognize me, I recognized Draco and McGonagall though.

Travis's POV

After all the spoils of war were cleaned up, Percy did his thing. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp. "Fuck you Fates! Come down here and face my wrath!" It seems best that it comes from him or Annabeth. 

"Yes, yes. We are here. Now, for all of your duties," they said as all but Percy and Annabeth bowed, idiots. 

"Well, what are they?" Percy asked impatiently, geez I know they did a lot to you dude, but are you going insane or something. Being so disrespectful to The Fates. I don't even have the guts to do that!

"Perseus, relax. Yours will come last. First the warriors. Please step forward." We stepped forward as instructed even Clarisse. "We The Fates, bestow the blessing of us upon Clarisse La Rue, Chris Rodriguez, Katie Gardner, Miranda Gardiner, Travis Stoll, and Connor Stoll. They will honor us with pride, will gather demigods, and become searchers for them all." Well, that's a lot.

"Alright, now. What about us Heroes?" Annabeth questioned a hand on her hip.

"Please step forward. We The Fates, bestow the major blessing of us upon Leo Valdez, Calypso, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Nico Di Angelo, Will Solace, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, and Annabeth Chase. They will honor us with pride and will become mortals in the Olympian Council, with equal power to the Olympian Gods." All their faces showed relief, probably that they won't become immortal.

"Now, what about me? I am still here you know," Percy sassed.

"Yes, we know. Now step forward." Reluctantly he did. "We The Fates, bestow the supreme blessing of us upon Perseus Jackson. He will honor us with pride and will become a mortal in the Olympian Council, of more power than Zeus himself." WHAT! "Only for his powers is he more powerful than Zeus. Once you all die, then you may be given this choice. Continue with the council as ghosts or no longer be one with the council. Now, for your duties and new powers." Oh, great.

"Hold on. If we are all part of the council will we still die in battle or by gods? Or will we only die from old age or something?" Hazel voiced, surprisingly. 

"Dear Hazel. You can only die from old age, along with our warriors. They are just not part of the council." Thanks. At least I don't have to see the gods twice a year. Feel bad for those guys. Not the gods the demigods.

"Oh, okay."

"Now, everyone. You all have more power than before, it is up to you to figure it out. It is relevant to your godly parent. Percy you, however, are more powerful than your father, you can produce earthquakes more powerful than your fathers. You can easily destroy this world. Be careful." Fun! A new prank challenge! Let's-see-how-mad-we-can-get-Percy-before-he-destroys-camp!

"Annabeth, you are now the smartest person to ever exist, you have an IQ of 320. Even though scientists say IQ doesn't test anything. You do have a few powers from your mother, you just need to figure them out. Hermes children, you are all more stealthy, quicker, can pull pranks a lot faster, and are more skilled with a weapon. Clarisse, you have Athena's battle strategy and are more well-rounded. Calypso, you have a little power from all the gods." Faster pranks eh. Looks like Connor and I will be testing out our new abilities!

"Duties. Warriors you need to check in with us every month, make sure no new deaths have happened, and you all have to let us know when there is a new demigod at camp, brought by one of you," they explained.

"Heroes, you will attend every Olympian Council meeting, you can do the whole zap thing that the gods do. Just make sure that you all attend every council meeting. Percy. You are to alert us when anything dangerous may be happening to camp. If something manages to get through the border call us immediately doing what you did today. You will also have the same powers as the heroes, however, only warriors and heroes can see your zap. No one else, not gods or primordials, only warriors and heroes and us obviously. One last thing. Warriors you have to go to the first Olympian Council meeting. But, would it be alright if you all just barge in randomly and get Zeus to zap Percy. Then Percy you just almost kill him? Us Fates have to have a little fun. Then we would come down and explain after you all explain simply. Thank you. Goodbye."

With that, they left. I can't wait for that council meeting.

A/N Alright I really want to include the council meeting so it's going to be two more chapters an epilogue, not one more and an epilogue like it would've been.

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