12. Oh Yeah! I'll Lead You Once Again!

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Rachel's POV

I can't believe it. I get to lead them on a quest, once again! What fun! Now, I was at camp because I forgot something in my cave, well I walked past Zeus's fist to get there and I tripped over a rock. I fell into the Labyrinth and managed to go far enough to reach Hogwarts.

Now, here we are. The Seven, The Golden and Silver Trio's, Draco, Minerva, Severus, and me, all sitting around a table, discussing. "Alright, the prophecy is almost completed, so I think we should call in for back up," Percy said.

"No. We need to have Rachel lead us to the place Voldemort is at, this way, we know where their base is at. Oh, Rachel, we're fighting Voldemort and Kronos," Annabeth added.

"WHAT!" I yelled. "KRONOS, AGAIN!"

"Yes, now we need to come up with a strategy, Minerva, Draco, and I will talk and figure one out. We need to know where everyone is at all times, in case a battle starts faster than expected, why don't we use a spell. I'm sure you guys have at least one spell that can track people," Annabeth ordered.

"We do. Hermione?" Scar head replied. Never really got names.

"Trackermetoro," she said waving her wand in a figure eight. These guys have some weird spells.

"Alright, so whenever we want to just think of where someone and it should tell you where they are, in your mind," Hermione I assume explained.

"Okay," we all say in unison.

"I'll go to Voldemort's with a demigod and a wizard, we'll need them for wizard monsters and godly monsters," I tell them.

"Okay, why don't you go with Harry and Leo?" Minerva asks.

"I'm fine with that we leave first thing tomorrow, I can see better in the morning," I tell them.

"Leo, eat A LOT of sugar," Percy ordered.

"Really?" Leo asked incredulously.

"Yes. If you get captured you can annoy them incredibly, this way we'll have more time to get to you. Sorry you two," he said. The last part to Harry and me.

"It's fine, but how would you have more time to get to us?" Harry asks.

"Oh right. Kronos is the Titan of time so he can slow downtime. Seaweed Brain I think that's the smartest thing you've ever said," Annabeth replied hugging Percy. Gods, they are so cute, nobody can beat them in the cuteness challenge.

"Alright, let's go to bed, it's late," I said, I was right though. It was 10 pm. "Oh, but the first thing I meant seven a.m."

"UGHHHH!" They groaned, you would think Leo is used to this, but no. He is literally, the worst person to wake up besides Nico, Percy, and Annabeth.

We head off to bed and I'm staying in Percy and Annabeth's guest room. Why would they have that?

The next day

I woke up at six and was ready to head out. Great! Unfortunately, Leo was still sleeping by 6:45 and he takes at least five minutes to wake up and 10 to get ready so we would probably be late. I knocked on the Ravenclaw common room. Surprisingly Leo answered.

"You're lucky Calypso got me up, I may have eaten three packs of skittles, a cup of hot chocolate, and snickers, but I'm still tired. Anyone have some snickers?" He asked.

"Yeah," Harry said pulling out a snickers bar.

"Well then, let's head out before a teacher catches us. Can't be out before eight a.m. Such a stupid rule," I grumbled, turning around and heading to the front doors. 

A/N Hey! Sorry, I haven't updated in almost a week, I've been really busy with school, and other activities. I wasn't dumped in the River of Lethe no matter what you may think.

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