18. Kinda Cliché

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Piper's POV

Annabeth went over the plan. My gods, it was confusing. Smart, but confusing. 

"Alright, Jason you take over so we can tell Leo," Annabeth said. Jason ran off to Kronos and Voldemort, Leo was busy running around Kronos's legs like a Hermes kid and just being annoying in general. 

"Leo this is the plan..." she then went over the plan again.

"Ready, Jason!" I shouted, 

"OK!" He called back ready to beat the schist out of those two villains. 

We gathered in a circle, a good distance away so they had to come and find us if need be. "Everyone hold hands," Annabeth instructed. 

"We know!" 

"Whatever, on three. One... two... three!" She yelled.

"Μαζί ως ένας, ο σκοτεινός κόσμος θα πέσει, οι Fates Heroes χέρι-χέρι. Το σκοτάδι θα πέσει και οι κακοί δεν θα είναι πια. Ο Κρόνος δεν θα επιστρέψει πλέον και ο Βόλντεμορτ θα καταρρεύσει ξανά," we all chorused. It was a pain, but Annabeth said The Fates told her what to say. They've been more helpful than the gods. And they gave us all this fate! (Translation: Together as one, the dark world will fall, the Fates Heroes hand in hand. Darkness will fall, and the villains will be no more. Kronos will no longer come back, and Voldemort will crumble once again.)

Miraculously all the Romans knew how to pronounce Ancient Greek. I guess when you spend so much time with them it catches up to you. After repeating that three or four times something started to happen.

A greenish colored orb appeared, almost like dying grass. Then it grew bigger and bigger, at some point, it caught everyone's attention. Even the monsters and death eaters, they all turned and stared at it amazed. 

Finally, it exploded. Hitting Kronos, Voldemort, and all the monsters in the chest. Another blinding light and The Fates were here. Time to explain.

A/N The next one might be the last, maybe 20 chapters and an epilogue. I will know in the next chapter. I know it's short but there felt like the perfect place to end it. Sorry.

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