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"ARE YOU SURE YOUR OKAY?" Aubrey asked me. "Yes I told you I'm fine." I reassured her. After last night we went to Aubrey's house, I told her I didn't want to talk about what happened. I also told her that I had healed in which she believed me, the thing is I didn't heal and I don't know why.

We were outside of the school by the buses waiting to get on. We were going to a cross-country meet and Coach was very determined to get there. We boarded the bus and we grabbed the seat in front of Scott and Stiles.

I took the window seat and winced once I sat down. The cut on my face had healed and so did my arm but my stomach hadn't and I was starting to worry.

"What's wrong?" Aubrey asked me concerned. "Nothing I'm fine, just got a cramp" I lied.

"Um okay?" Aubrey said. I sighed and looked out the window, the bus started driving and I ended up falling a sleep for the first few minutes when Coach's whistle woke me up.

I jumped and woke up letting out a tired groan, "back to your seat!" Coach yelled at a student. I looked out the window and it was cloudy out and there was lightning, guess it's gonna rain.

The sun soon came out causing me to look away since it was too bright. I looked beside me and Aubrey was sleeping I decided not to wake her letting her get some rest. I leaned my head on the window and just looked out, my stomach still hadn't healed and it was starting to hurt worse than before.

I closed my eyes hoping at least some pain would go away, which it didn't. "Yo Scotty, hey yo Scotty?" I heard Stiles say, "You still with me?"

"Yeah sorry, uh what's the word?" Scott asked. "Anachronism." Stiles said.

I tuned out the rest of conversation until I heard the word Darach. "Darach, it's a noun, we have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck on this thing for like five hours, why not?" Stiles said. Scott just looked out the window.

The bus hit a bump and I groaned in pain, I heard Scott also groan. Aubrey woke up from the bump and she smiled over at me, "morning sunshine," I smiled.

"Hey, where are we?" Aubrey asked rubbing her eyes, "no clue." I shrugged. I winced again feeling a stinging sensation in my stomach, "Okay that is the second time you've winced since we got here what is wrong?" Aubrey said.

"Nothing I'm fine, it's just my head hurts," I lied again, I hated lying to her but I didn't want to worry her. "Stop lying to me either you tell me what's wrong or I will search you myself," Aubrey threatened.

Careless|𝗦𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗦𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗸𝗶| 01Where stories live. Discover now