Chapter 13

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Foxpaw walked back to camp tiredly, all she wanted to do was sleep. The Gathering made her weary, when she entered the den, she quickly scampered to her favorite cozy beddings that Streampaw and Joypaw fought for.

I hope I speak to Pebbletail or Lavenderspot! She closed her eyes tightly. The den began dark and Foxpaw drifted off.

Foxpaw slept in a cold stone den, there were no cat's fur that brushed onto her as she slept, along with no mossy bedding with feathers and fur.

She stood up opening her mouth widely to reveal a tired yawn. She stretched then padded outside the cold den, only to see the silhouette pale light, and Foxpaw looked down to see a very long slope under her. Her fur bristled with caution if she falled.

She padded back to the den and groomed her pelt. Where am I? She thought, finally noticing that she wasn't at home. She knew she wasn't in CliffClan territory as well, their territory did not have snow and did not fall quickly down if you stepped foot on the slope.

She saw a gray and lilac pelt grow closer to her, she arched her back ready to launch herself at the two cats, finally noticing Pebbletail and Lavenderspot.

"Hello Foxpaw." Lavenderspot meowed. "You've met Pebbletail."

Yes, she was my clanmate after all! Foxpaw nodded in embarrassment. "Why didn't you come mourn me Foxpaw?" her voice sounded as if it could scratch on sharp stones. Why? Will you force me to mourn you?

"Sorry." Foxpaw mewed, but I knew you were gonna die. Why care about cats that are gonna die anyways?

"Foxpaw you must be wary." Lavenderspot warned. "There is stuff you want, but not stuff you need. When you want to get what you want, you end up hurting others. Be careful Foxpaw!"

Foxpaw eyes grew wide. "What?" she yowled, why did StarClan cats always stay stuff in riddles that you couldn't understand? "Well anything else that can help?"

The place faded out of Foxpaw's sight and she noticed she was back in her den. Joypaw was sitting at the entrance waiting for Thrushfur. He turned around flicking his tabby tail.

"You're lucky your father is a deputy!" he meowed loudly.

She gave her chest fur a few embarrassed licks and ran out of the apprentices' den. Flatpaw was in the medicine den, he was stretching and he seemed to just wake up since his amber eyes looked so tired.

Foxpaw padded inside, she pricked her ears up to hear Hollypool scurrying in the den. She had a mouthful of herbs in her mouth. "Oh hey Foxpaw!" Flatpaw greeted his sister.

"Hey!" Foxpaw mewed, suddenly she saw a shiny red berry that would make a good snack. "That looks good!" she licked her mouth ready to put the red berries in her mouth.

"No!" Hollypool spat the herbs out of her mouth and curled her tail over the red shiny berries. "Those are deathberries! If you touch them you die and if you eat them you also die!"

Foxpaw backed away, happy she hadn't touched the deathberries. "Why do you have them in camp then?" she mewed. "Any kit can come and snatch those berries up and eat them. Or you have a cure?"
"There is no cure." Flatpaw interrupted Hollypool. "You eat you're dead."

Foxpaw sinked into a mossy bedding. She flattened her ears. These berries can be really good to kill cats you hate. Maybe . . . Yellowtooth?

"Don't." Hollypool warned. "You cannot use them to kill cats."

What? Can that cat read minds? Flatpaw pressed himself towards Foxpaw. "She doesn't know what you're thinking." he moved steadily to her. "Just a guess, you're pretty readable."

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