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A pink girl gasped for air as she rose her head from the water. She coughed, spitting out the water. "Yuck..Wait- Where..Am I?" The girl asked herself, looking up.

Old buildings were everywhere, all destroyed and some trees growing right through them. "I can't be here I can't be here!" She shouted, getting up and rushing towards the blocked off tunnel.

She moved a few rocks out of her way, seeing a small opening. "Dad!! Can you hear me!?" She shouted.

Her voice echoed in the tunnel, eventually fading away. "He could be miles away.." She muttered. "Okay, you can do this Kipo. Humans lived up here for thousands of years! You can last..A couple of minutes.."

She turned around, her surroundings mostly green. She breathed in, then out.


She had wandered in to a store, changing her choice of wardrobe. She walked around, looking for something interesting. Kipo heard some rustling in a bush to her right. "Hello? Is someone there..?" She asked.

She swallowed the lump in her throat, walking towards it. Something blue poked it's head out, blinking. "Woah.." Kipo muttered. "What are you..?" She asked, reaching to pet it.

It squealed, running off. "Wait! Come back!"

She followed it in to a school, the animal trying to get the snacks out of the vending machine. "Here, I can help. There were tons of these in my Burrow." Kipo said going to the side of it. "There's..A wire back here..If I can get to it-"

'Crash' She fell on top of it, the sound of glass shattering echoing in the halls. "That works too." Kipo said, baffled.


After lifting it up, she grabbed a bag of cheezy poofs. She opened the bag, taking one out. "Here." Kipo said, extending her arm out.

The 6 legged pig slowly went over to her, taking the cheezy poof. She ate it, Kipo putting the bag down. The mute ate the entire bag, more comfortable around the girl. Kipo pet the pig, it snorting and moving it's hoof back. "Want to do something fun?"

Regrets, instant regrets. They slid down the stairs on a metallic piece, bunking in to a fallen bookcase. "Woah, I have one of these in my Burrow!" Kipo exclaimed, taking the photo.

The pig nuzzled her, putting her hoof on the photo. "You are the cutest thing to ever exist." Kipo said in a baby tone, squishing the pigs face. "You look like a wittle dumpling."

The mute squealed. "Like mandu's, my dad makes them all the time." She gasped. "That's what I should call you! Mandu!"

She squealed loudly, the sound echoing in the room. "Nom nom nom." Kipo said, nuzzling the pig.

Mandu squealed, panting like a dog. She jumped out of her grasp, wanting to play. "I'm going to get you Mandu!"

The mute squealed running off. Kipo followed, giggling. Mandu led her outside, and in to an empty pool like hole. A bunny squeaked, jumping towards her. "I'm going to pet it." Kipo stated, going towards it.

Mandu bit her shoe, trying to keep her from going there. "I'll be fine. It's just 1 bunny. You can stay here if you want." Kipo said, going towards the bunny.

It sneezed, going towards her. She pet it, moving its fur back. Another one hopped towards her, sniffing the pink human. "You are so adorable." Kipo said in a baby tone.

A few more came out, surrounding the girl. She giggled, petting as many as she could. 'Thump Thump Thump' Kipo's giggles quieted. "And that must be the mother. . ."


After struggling to get out of being suffocated, she wandered around. Seeing if she could locate the pig she was with. "Mandu!" Kipo called out.

She heard some rustling in a bush at the end of the street, seeing the blue pig. "Mandu!" Kipo exclaimed, rushing over to her.

Just as Kipo could clearly see the pig in sight, something snatched her up. Taking her deeper in to the forest. Kipo gasped. "Mandu!!" She yelped, going towards the direction of the pig who had gotten kidnapped.

She made it through the many trees, arriving in an abandoned building. What am I saying, all the buildings are abandoned. This one was clearly stepped on by a Mega Bunny, and a car was parked inside of it. Kipo crawled in the car, looking for the pig.

"Can you talk mute?" A female voice asked, clearly in a bad mood. "A mutes not food if they can talk. All I need is a small yes."

Kipo perked up, looking at the girl who was using wolf skin as a hood. 'Oh no she's cute-' Kipo thought, her face heating up a bit.

Mandu let out a distressed squeal, looking at her surroundings as far as her eyes could see. "Sorry, but a girl's gotta eat." The girl said, striking a match and throwing it in the pile of wood under Mandu.

Kipo yelped, the pressure that was built up on the broken car door, falling off its hinges. "No don't-!"

The girl swung around a staff, putting the tip of the tail near Kipo's nose. "I was wondering when you were going to come out of there." She huffed.

Kipo stuttered, fumbling for the right words. "You can't eat her! She's adorable!"

The girl scoffed. "I've eaten plenty of adorable, and there's plenty more of adorable that's tried to eat me."

Mandu took this chance to try and escape, biting on the rope. The girl perked up, about to look back. "You're staff is so uhm- Pointy! Where did you get it?" Kipo asked.

"I ripped it off a giant scorpion. It was trespassing in my territory." She said, acting pretty tough.

Mandu squealed as she fell on the small fire, putting it out, and running off. The girl looked at the mute. "Oh no you don't!" She shouted running after her.

Kipo got up, catching up to the girl. She tackled her, pinning her to the ground. "What are you doing!?!" The girl asked, raising her voice.

Mandu's squeals faded, so Kipo got off the smaller human. "I was saving her!"

The girl picked up her staff, tightening her grip on it in anger. Kipo patted herself down. "Do you have any hand sanitizer?"

The second female examined Kipo. Looking at her from her head to her feet. "You're not from around here are you..?"

Kipo shook her head, tossing something to the smaller girl. "For your lost lunch. Sorry for tackling you, are you okay?"

The girl nodded, opening the bag of chips. "Are you one of those under ground people?" She asked, putting a cheezy poof in her mouth.

Kipo perked up. "So you've heard of us! I'm trying to find my way home, maybe you can help me find-"

The girl walked off with the bag of chips, ignoring her. "It.." Kipo mumbled.

She shook her head, catching up to her. "Kipo! My name's Kipo! And I really need your help!"

The girl looked back at her in utter annoyance. "You, stay right there."

Kipo stopped in her tracks, looking at the other female with confusion. Then she began to walk off, putting another cheezy poof in her mouth. She's charming.

To be continued.

Kipo x Wolf. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now