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She shot a death glare to that person who threw a ball of green pea at her. It was dinner time, but she was still not in her mood so she didn't want to joke around right now. Jisoo saw the glare but merely raised her eyebrow, wasn't even fazed.

"What's wrong with you?" Asked the oldest.

They all noticed the grim mood of Seulgi - except really for Wendy because she knew why - from the moment she stepped inside the house that afternoon. Taeyeon wanted to talk to her and ask what happened, but the younger had locked herself inside Wendy's room. And that confused Jisoo and at the same time, worried. Because only then would Seulgi lock herself in her best friend's room when she wasn't in the mood, or had a problem she wouldn't want to discuss or share with. And it was a flaw, as Lisa would say. It wasn't healthy to keep things inside and bottle them up. So, as much as possible, the four would nag her to death even if they receive her wrath.

Seulgi set her chopsticks on the table and wiped her mouth. She sighed. "I'm just not in the mood."

Wendy was eyeing her all the time. And Seulgi felt it, but she chose to ignore her for now.

"Talk to us, okay?"

She nodded to Taeyeon and they all continued eating.

As expected, Seulgi entered her shared room with Jisoo the moment she finished her dinner. Jisoo followed her with Wendy behind. Because Jisoo knew something was up, it was just a simple 'not in the mood'.

Wendy sat on the chair in front of their computer and swiveled it to face the beds. "So? What are you thinking?"

Jisoo sat on her bed and was waiting for Seulgi who took a set of comfortable clothes. The latter set it aside and sat on her bed, facing the two. She inhaled to calm her nerves.

"I'm still pissed." She groaned so loud.

Jisoo frowned. "Just tell me what happened."

Seulgi told her everything. Jisoo was still frowning when she finished the story.

"What? She called you in a Saturday just to tell you to mind your own business and leave Momo alone and that she wanted you to re-choreograph the routine after? What was she thinking? Or was she even thinking? What is she even? Wah, daebak."

Wendy laughed out loud. She sometimes didn't like how smart-ass Jisoo was, but she agreed with her this time. However, she also didn't want to bad mouth people and talk behind their back. "Now, now, let's not judge her. Atleast not for now. And we left before she could even say what she really wanted to say."

Seulgi gasped. "What are you saying? It was clear! She was ordering me like I'm some kind of a slave! That Bae Irene."

"Wendy's right, somehow. Well, you have the right to feel that way, Seul. But, you don't know. What if you just misinterpreted her and assumed she was talking to you like that? She was used in ordering people around. Give her the benefit of the doubt." Jisoo said.

Seulgi rolled her eyes. "Whatever." She stood up, grabbed her clothes and went out for the bathroom to change.

Jisoo and Wendy looked at each other then both shrugged. It wasn't a huge issue, to their relief.

"You? When are you going to move in here?"

Wendy went out of Jisoo and Seulgi's room to get her guitar in her own. Jisoo followed her wherever she went.

"I just moved in here yesterday. It's not like I own many things, the furnitures were my parent's."

They entered Taeyeon's room and the latter was nowhere to be found. She must be downstairs, in the living room, doing work stuff. They went out for the balcony. Jisoo leaned her elbows on the metal railing while looking at the neighbor's backyard.

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