Twenty Two

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"Business tycoon Tiffany Hwang confirmed to have a relationship with her non-celebrity girlfriend."

"CEO of Hwang industries Tiffany Hwang confirmed the rumor."

"Current CEO of the biggest conglomerate in Asia, the Hwang Corporation, Miss Stephanie Young Hwang admitted to have a relationship with a woman."

"Tiffany Hwang assumed to be gay."

"Blind Item: the rumored girlfriend's initials are KTY."

"Said girlfriend is an engineer under ******* construction firm."

"Rumored girlfriend is best friends with the owners of SM Magazine and Media, Sunny Lee and Yuri Kwon."

Seulgi's neck hurt because of the articles she had read. It became frustratingly annoying to say the least, since they couldn't freely go out yet. The tabloids were still chasing them and it has been two weeks since the issue bombed out. Even her co-workers started to ask her. It was irritating. It was her unnie they were talking about. Taeyeon. Which she had so much respect for.

She heard the clicking of heels and opened her eyes, greeted by a faint smile. "Aren't you tired?" Said the woman who sat down next to her. Seulgi held her hand and kissed the back of it. The woman bashfully smiled.

"I am. But I wanted to spend some time with you before that soloist released her album." Answered Seulgi.

Irene tilted her head, her eyes scanned the exhausted looking face. "But you need to rest. I still have so many papers to sign up." She checked her watch. "How 'bout you take a nap while I finish the papers, hm?"

Seulgi brushed Irene's hair to her ear and nodded. "10 minutes. Wake me up in ten minutes."

"Okay. Sleep, Seul."

Seulgi did lie on the big couch inside Irene's office, the very same couch where she almost pissed her pants back then, when Irene nearly roasted her. She smiled at the thought. I really thought she was a bitch.

Irene softly glanced at Seulgi's spot and also smiled to herself. She couldn't believe it, she couldn't believe that she was there, staring lovingly at the person she thought was an arogant one. Of all the things happening around them, she was grateful Seulgi wS still there beside her. She was intimidated nor discouraged. Irene resumed to her work, doing it fast so that she could spend some intimate time with her Seulgi.

She was scrolling the news platforms when her eyes caught some chart. She clicked it and nearly clapped at the news. It was the weekly stock of Hwang Industries, and the chart was high. It was like their stock from the previous week had doubled. And Irene assumed it was because of the news. But as to why such things were happening, she couldn't tell. She was just happy that her friend would receive a good news. Not that Tiffany would be fazed by that.

Seulgi heard the clapping and her nap was cut off. She squinted her eyes, gathered her thoughts and got up. "Why are you clapping?"

Irene nearly knock off her computer. "Why are you up already?"

Seulgi went to her side while pulling the chair in front of her desk. "I heard you clapping. You seemed like you heard some good news. Care to share?"

Irene smiled. "Here." She showed the monitor to Seulgi. The younger leaned in to see the screen, her left arm went behind Irene's chair, the other on Irene's right arm rest. Irene could smell her perfume. The scent lingered in her senses. She felt the familiar fuzzy feeling, the warmth that was Seulgi herself. Her grin widened even more. She leaned her head on Seulgi's chest as the younger scanned the chart. Seulgi was confused.

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