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(Heavy Breathing and Running)

Ash: What's going on?!

Delia: Just keep running, Ash!!!

Meyer: Damn it! How did they find us?!

Grace: Riley, I thought the village was protected by a special barrier!

Abe: This isn't the time for blame! We need to focus on escaping them!

Riley: That's not happening. Those two are Black Ops.

Ulu: The Black Ops?! I heard they never fail a mission!

Riley: Yeah, that bastard and his family have been tracking me for centuries. They won't give up easily.

Riley: They want me? Fine. They can have me. (Turns around) Go, Pikachu! Lucario!

Riley: Take the children and leave.

Delia: No, we can't do that!

Meyer: She's right. We'll fight with you!

Riley: Okay, thank you. But we need to get the children out of here. Delia, do you still have Mr. Mime with you?

Delia: Yes! Go, Mr. Mime!

Riley: Alright... everyone, say your goodbyes.

Clemont: No, Dad! Don't leave!

Meyer: I'm sorry, Clemont. Protect Bonnie with your life. I love you.

Mallow: (Crying) Dad, Ulu, don't leave!

Abe: Looks like you'll have to carry on the family dream, Mallow.

Ulu: Mallow, stay strong for us.

Serena: Mom, don't leave too!

Grace: My sweet Serena, I know you'll grow up to be a fine, beautiful girl. I'll always be watching you.

Ash: No, Mom, Dad, don't go!

Delia: (Hugging Ash tightly) We're sorry we won't see you grow up.

Riley: Ash, become strong. When they find out you're alive, they'll come for you too. I'm sorry for bringing you into this mess. Save this world and follow your own path. Goodbye, my son.

Riley: Delia!

Delia: Right! Goodbye, Ash. Mr. Mime, use Hypnosis!

(Mr. Mime puts the kids to sleep)

Riley: Alright! Go! (Throws a Pokéball)

(Mew pops out)

Riley: Mew, thank you for being with me all this time. Please watch over each of them. Now teleport them far away from here!

Mew: (Nods) Mew Mew! (Teleports them)

Pokemon Elemental High

Ash: (Waking up)

Clemont: Ash, you're finally awake!

Ash: What? Where are we? Where are our parents?! (Looks around frantically)

(Everyone is silent, the atmosphere heavy)

Ash: You're... kidding me... right? They're really gone? No, no, no! (Bursts into tears) Why?!

Serena: It's going to be okay... (She pulls Ash into a hug)

Serena: It's okay... (Patting Ash's head)

Serena: You always help me out, Ash. You always tell us to smile.

Mallow: She's right, isn't that correct, Clemont?

Clemont: ...How do you know we'll be okay? We're out here in the middle of a forest with nowhere to go, no place to take a bath, eat, or anything!

Clemont: I'm going for a walk. (Leaves)

Mallow: He's always such a buzzkill.

Ash: Thank you, you guys. But, what do we do?

Serena: We're not really sure.

Mallow: We don't have to worry about food. I collected all the non-poisonous berries.

Mallow: Ah, I haven't showered in days.

Ash: Who... were those people? Why did they do it?

Clemont: I'm back.

Mallow: What did you find?

Clemont: It's pretty obvious we're in a forest. But we're lucky, there are no Pokémon around here. I tried going further, but there was this scary Pokémon.

Clemont: (Looks at Bonnie sleeping) What do we do?! We can't feed a baby.

Ash: Don't worry, guys. We'll make it. I know it!

(Two weeks later)

Mallow: Oh my God! We've been here for days!

Clemont: Actually, we've been here for exactly two weeks.

Mallow: Oh, shut up!

Serena: I don't think we can last on berries and rainwater.

Clemont: Yeah, Serena's right. We need to get out of this stupid forest.

Mallow: What do we do then?! You said we can't go out because there are wild Pokémon around here.

Serena: Ash, what do you suggest we do? Hey, Ash?

Ash: Do you guys feel that?

Clemont: Are you feeling alright?

Mallow: It must be this stupid forest getting to him.

Ash: No, I'm serious! I hear voices.

Ash: Guys, follow me. I think I can get us out of this place. (Starts sprinting)

Mallow: Hey! Wait up! (Follows)

Serena: (Also follows)

Clemont: Wait, I can't carry Bonnie all by myself. Ugh, you jerks! (Also follows)

(After a good 10 minutes of running)

Mallow: YES! (Hugs Ash) Thank you! We're finally out of this place.

Clemont: Mallow, look around. We're still in a forest.

Serena: No, look! There's a house, and it's big!

Serena: Ash, is this what you heard?

Clemont: That's impossible! No one can hear voices from that far away!

Mallow: I do hear voices from inside the house.

(A girl comes out of the house)

Ash: Who is she?

Mallow: How are we supposed to know?

Random Voice: Who are you kids and what are you doing here?

(They all scream)

Another Random Voice: Kukui, what's wrong?

Kukui: Well, Burnet, there are kids hiding here.

Mallow: Oh no, we're dead. They're going to kill us!

Little Girl: Hello! Who are you guys?

Kukui: Risa, stay away from them until we know what's going on.

Pokémon Elemental HighWhere stories live. Discover now