Chapter 1 ~ 'Look, the Squirrel Spoke!'

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Lilith Moore was quite certain that a group of centaurs was called a 'Tribe'- or at least according to J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World lore. Lilith had never expected the knowledge that she'd gained from years of Harry Potter Fanfiction writing to someday come in handy. However, she also had never expected a tribe of centaurs to someday have emerged from the woodland around her and be stood before her, swords and arrows raised as if she was, in any way, a threat.

"Hold your fire." A voice ordered, much to the redheaded girl's relief, as the largest centaur of the 'Tribe' stepped forward, his own sword mercifully sheathed. "It is you."

"Well," Lilith spoke with a slight, nervous laugh, "I was me last time I checked..."

Her attempt to lighten the moment fell short though- apparently the centaurs weren't in the mood.

"You are a Daughter of Eve?"

"No. My Mum's called Madeline..."

"You are human? Daughter of Madeline and Robert."

"Yes? I'm human and humans have names, you know. I'm Lilith Moore." The girl decided to at least act confident, straightening her back and holding her hand out to the centaur, ignoring the mythical creature's knowledge of her father's name as the wind seemed to pick up, rustling the browning leaves around them. "And you are?"

The centaur seemed to examine her a moment before replying, "I am Oreius II, Commander of this great land's Army and Royal Advisor of High King Peter. My Tribe stand behind me. Now, this way, if you'll please."

Lilith drew back her ignored hand and frowned, "This way where? Where am I? I'm pretty sure there was never centaurs in England..."

"All shall be explained at the Castle, child. If you comply and will follow willingly, we can reach the great walls of Cair Paravel before the sun meets the western horizon."

"And if I don't 'comply and follow willingly'?" The redhead retorted, rather affronted as she glanced to the weapons still pointed towards her.

An even taller, looming centaur behind Oreius seemed angered by this, his already disgruntled expression turned into a snarl as he snapped, "The will of the stars is far greater than any insolent Daughter of-"

"Silence, Candren." Oreius spoke, the vexed centaur behind him obeying immediately. "Daughter of-"

"Lilith." The teen corrected him pointedly.

"Lilith," Oreius repeated testily, "you shall be at Castle Cair before the stars sing this night whether we have your compliance or not."

"You'll find greater comfort in compliance, my Lady." A younger, kinder looking Centaur added, bravely.

So much for 'stranger danger', was all Lilith could think rather scornfully as she crossed her arms, surveying the group before her and nodding, "Very well. Take me to this Cair P- the walls of-" She shook her head. She'd been too perplexed with that fact that she was actually conversing with real life centaurs to truly comprehend what Oreius had been saying. "Take me to the castle."


"We've been walking for ages." Lilith couldn't help but complain as she felt the temperature in the air drop. "I didn't realise we'd be walking the full length of- of wherever this is... oh, just tell me, Oreius, please!" She practically begged, "I don't see why you have to be so mysterious." Surely they were almost there- the stars that the Centaurs seemed so obsessed over were almost out.

Much to her surprise, the so far near-wordless Centaur chief gave a snort of amusement, "Patience, child. Our journey is almost at its end."

"Well, it should end quicker." The redhead muttered before glancing to the centaur tribe around her and adding in a hushed tone, "You lot aren't very talkative, are you?"

"You shall find Centaurs prefer the whispers of the wind and murmurs of their own thoughts."

"Whatever floats your boat, I suppose. I'd of put my earphones in but- fake pockets." She said, more to herself as she pat the useless patch of extra material on her skinny jeans, "They were in the car door with my phone which... an Uber would be handy now, to be honest. There's no chance you offer rides, is there?"

"We are no horses." A centaur spoke in a low, tense voice, causing many heads to snap in the girl's direction.

"No! I didn't mean offence, I was just joking! Well, partly... it's been a long walk and you do have the backs of... oh, never mind." She decided it best to shut her mouth.

"It is a great honour to ride on a Centaur's back." Oreius explained quietly as they continued, yet his eyes were on a break in the trees ahead, "As Feindal spoke, we are not horses, but highly respected occupants of these lands."

"How was I to know?" Lilith asked honestly, "I didn't even know you exis- oh!" She let out a quick gasp as a small squirrel almost ran under her foot before stopping, looking up to her and saying, clearly startled, "I'm sorry! I am sorry!"

"Never mind that!" Lilith expressed with a shocked laugh, "You spoke! Listen, Oreius! Look, the squirrel spoke!"

The Centaur could not help but laughing, too, but at the wide-eyed girl's surprise, "Indeed he did. You may be on your way now, Squirrel."

"Thank you, Oreius." The squirrel replied, looking rather flustered at the unimpressed Centaurs before turning back to the- "Daughter of Eve? Oh, goodness! Oh, my! They shall be ever so happy! I must-" The Squirrel froze suddenly, as if remember something before he jabbered quickly, "I mean- Mrs. Beaver will have yet another kit for her to coddle! What a day, what a day!" 

It was then that the small creature let out a quick, giddy laugh at his own words before remembering himself once more, "My apologies! I jabbered! It is a big day, you see! Good day, Lady Eve-"

"Oh, no. My name's not Eve, it's-" But Oreius placed a hand on Lilith's shoulder, assuring her that it was best to simply leave to squirrel to his own devices. She nodded and said, as politely as she could, "Good day to you, too. It was a pleasure meeting you."

"As- oh, as it was you! As it was you!" The squirrel spoke at an incredible pace, eyes as wide as Lilith's had been moments ago before he nodded frantically and scampered away.

"He spoke!" Lilith repeated, turning to Oreius, "The squirrel spoke!"

"As do many animals in Narnia."

"Narnia? Aha! You told me where we are! Not that I know where that is, but... ha!"

"You speak as if it was my purpose to keep information from you." Oreius replied plainly, his eyes straight ahead of them once more. If anyone would have thought to look closer, however, they'd have seen the corner of his lip twitch into a near, amused smile- most unusual for such a prestigious Centaur Chief as Oreius II.

"Yes, but you- it seems like it. I'm guessing you won't tell me anymore about Narnia, even though you are leading me through it?"

"It is not for me to tell at this time, child."

"I'm not a child, I'm 18."

"Child enough." Oreius retorted smoothly, before nodding ahead of them, "If you'd stop your talking, you may notice the Castle on the horizon."

Lilith could only breathe one expression, incredibly quietly, as her eyes fell on the form of Cair Paravel.



This is quite a short chapter compared to what the rest will be, I imagine but, well-

Welcome to Narnia!

I'd love to hear any of your comments/opinions on this or any of the oncoming chapters and will ensure to keep up with them far better than I have with the other books I've posted on this account!

Don't forget to drop a vote ;)

~ Leah x

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