Chapter 24 ~ An Inequitable Eviction

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"You want to banish her." Susan rephrased frankly, and Peter sent her an incredibly annoyed look before turning to Lilith.

"It's not like that. I-"

"I'll go, but not yet. You have to let me fight." She insisted, "You'll need everyone you can get-"

But at her plea, something switched, and Peter straightened up. "Your exile will begin from sundown tomorrow- you've to be gone by then." Peter replied with finality, his tall, strong Kingly façade obsinate as he turned and strode from the room, "Besides, you're the Crown Princess, not a warrior."

"I fought in the last battle, didn't I?" Lilith adjured, outrage stirring as she hurried to catch up with the petulant High King. The three remaining Monarchs shared glances and followed, too.

"She can fight, Pete." Edmund attempted to reason, following after them, "Even better than the last battle, you've seen for yourself."

Still striding in the direction of his chambers, refusing to look back, Peter replied plainly, "It doesn't matter. We've over a week until the battle, our army will be sufficiently prepared. Lilith, nothing will change this- you're banished."

His last words came out much harsher than Peter had intended, but still he marched through the moonlit corridors.

"You're a bastard." Lilith spoke bitterly, stopping in her tracks, the others doing also.
Peter stopped, too, but still didn't turn to face them.

"I want to do this. I want to fight!" The redhead pressed, "I'll leave after, but let me fight, Peter. For you... for Narnia."

There was an heavy silence and Lucy was sure that they were about to be suffocated by the weight of the blanketing tension.

"Go to bed." Peter spoke, eyes closed firmly, "You'll need rest for the journey tomorrow."

The future-girl looked so stuck between furious tears and lashing out from pure hurt that the Valiant couldn't help but start towards her. Her advances were denied, however, as Lilith turned on her heel, beginning at a very fast pace in the opposite direction.

"You should let her fight, Pete." Edmund told the back of his brother, "She's Crowned Princess, she has the right."

"She's banished and- and that's final." The High King spoke firmly before slamming his chamber door shut.

Peter knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep. He'd known it from the moment he'd turned his back on them. So, he waited. He waited in silence until he heard his siblings' footsteps leave down the corridor.

He had to apologise to Lilith. He had to, because he'd felt too much when he'd banished her that he'd come across as unfeeling.
He wanted his kingdom safe and strong, but Lilith shouldn't have to pay for that and yet- there was no other way. He'd bought her into the castle and now was sending her away and that hurt him, too, because Lucy had been right the night the trial had been opened- he cared for Lilith.

He cared for her a lot.


"Whatever you're about to say is a bad idea." Lilith's tone was suddenly as sharp as the glinting tip of her sword. He'd found her stood in a corridor, looking out of the window, across the beach and out to sea. She'd looked sad when he'd found her, now she only looked cold- physically and emotionally.

Victim to his stubbornness, Peter spoke.

"I want you to understand-"

"I already understand."

"No you don't."

"Yes, I do."


"Peter, you're High King." She spoke, "Your Kingdom's your priority, and so it should be. You're a good King for that, a magnificent one, so stop following me, please. I wanted to fight- I still do, but I'm not a warrior. I began to play as one, but I'm not. I'm a hinderance and only distract you."

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