Chapter 2 ~ Exceptions

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"Oreius, you've returned!"

After the Centaurs, the talking animals and even dancing trees that they had trekked past, Lilith reckoned she should have expected fauns. Of course, not just any faun- but a kindly looking one in a red, seemingly handmade scarf.

"I have, Tumnus." Oreius nodded his head slightly, "The Daughter of-" He stopped short, glancing to said girl, who had just bade the rest of the centaurs goodnight and was now giving him a rather stern, expectant look. "Lilith," The centaur amended, turning back to the faun, "here, was not as troublesome as we had expected."

"Troublesome?" Lilith near spluttered. "That's exactly what I'll be if you don't tell me-"

"I'm sure good Oreuis here meant no disrespect." The Faun rescued the Centaur quickly before he stepped away from where he'd been guarding the Throne Room doors and held his hand out to the girl. "It's an honour to meet you. I'm Tumnus, Queen Lucy's personal guard- and friend, so she would have me add." He told her with a fond chuckle at the end, before peering at the girl and nodding to his un-shook hand, telling her gently that, "You shake it".

"I know that." But Lilith stopped herself from rolling her eyes and shook hands with the Faun with a smile, before turning back to Oreius. "I'm sorry for how I've been, I just want to know what we're doing here... What I'm doing here. I'm not from around here- definitely not from around here, so- Why did you bring me to a castle?"

"To make acquaintance with the Kings and Queens. Now, Tumnus, if you may?"

"Of course, Oreius." Tumnus nodded, turning and beginning to open the Throne Room doors.

"Wait- what?" Lilith blinked at the Centaur.

"We are here so you may make acquaintances with the Kings and Queens." Oreuis repeated as if his words were the most ordinary thing that one who didn't even know of the land they were in would hear.

"'Make acquaintances with'- with who? Kings and Queens?" Lilith hissed, rather panicked, "I can't- Are you barking mad?"

"I am far from so, child. Now-"

"Don't 'child' me again! I told you-"

"Daught- Lilith-"
"What?" The redhead seethed before she heard a new voice clearing their throat, the short cough echoing the grand Hall she now realised she was stood at the entrance to.

Finally, her attention was where it ought to be.

There were huge bay windows, the stained glass casting the most beautiful reflections aided by the silver moon that now sat, nestled in the starry sky behind them. There were columns reaching up, up and up to the high ceilings, intricate carvings swirling around them. At the other end of the fairy-tale like room stood 4 seats- 4 thrones, to be exact, with 4 Monarchs sat upon them.

"Oh." Was all Lilith found herself saying once more.


Susan had thought that Peter had been rather rude making their presence known with the clearing of his throat, but when she glanced sideways to her brother- originally to scold him with a glare- she saw no ill-intent, only a fascinated amusement in her brother's eyes.

"We won't bite." Lucy called with a small, calming laugh, seeing two figures at the end of the room- one was familiar, one not so much.

"It's a girl- a human girl!" Edmund observed, his tone telling of his surprise as he saw the auburn-haired teen, looking not much older than him, glance unsurely to Oreius, before receiving a reassuring nod as the two approached the Monarchs.

"It is." Susan agreed, equally as shocked, "But why is she with Oreius? A Calormen, perhaps?"

"She doesn't look like a Calormen... I have a feeling we'll be told who she is eventually, maybe not before our frustrations at a lack of information sets in." Peter replied to his sister rather warily.

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