Chapter 4 ~ Of Gowns and Giants

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"Oreius!" Lucy called down a castle walkway the next morning, holding the skirts of her gown up slightly as she ran to meet her brother's Advisor and girl who she'd been introduced to only the day before. "There you are!"

"Your Majesty." The Centaur Chief smiled politely, bowing his head.

"Morning, Lilith!" Lucy spoke brightly, sliding her hand into the girl's as if about to lead her away.

Lilith had no choice but to expel her surprise at such an enthusiastic greeting from Royalty. She had had no chance to curtsy, even if she had known how, "Good morning, Your Majesty. "

"It would be an even better morning if I hadn't been waiting an hour in Susan's chambers for you." Lucy admitted, "She's been going on about going through her wardrobe for months, you'd have thought she was organising an army with how she's going about it!"

"Queen Susan?"

"There's only one Susan, luckily." 

"I'd love to come," Lilith replied, "but Oreuis was taking me-"

"I'd rather discuss strategy, too." Queen Lucy told her guest sincerely as she tugged at her hand slightly, "But you have to come and try some of these gowns. Susan's chosen some of her own for you to try on!"

"Gowns? I-" Lilith gave Oreius a timorous look, but the Centaur seemed to be supressing a smile as his nodded his reassurance.

"Go." He said, "I'm sure Queen Lucy shall bring you along to the Strategy room as soon as you're dressed appropriately. I'm lead to believe that Her Majesty has patience enough to stand your mindless rambles."

The youngest Pevensie nodded enthusiastically, "I am! And I shall, I promise. You'll come, won't you, Lilith?"

Lilith tore her eyes from Oreius to Lucy's hopeful, chestnut orbs.

"Of course I will. You'll lead the way, Your Majesty?"

"Just Lucy." The Valiant spoke surely before turning and running back down the corridor, leading a rather bewildered Lilith by the hand.

"Please tell me you didn't have our guest run the full length of the castle, Lucy." Susan spoke as she saw the pair enter, both laughing.

"It's fine." Lilith defended the youngest Queen quickly, not quite able to deny the fact that they had just run the full length of the castle as she leant against an ornate cabinet to catch her breath, "It was fun." She added truthfully, smiling to Lucy who seemed delighted by her answer.

Susan gave both girls a rather unimpressed look before turning to her wardrobe, "Anyway, Lilith, I don't believe you've more clothes with you, do you?"

"Uhm- no, Your Majesty." The redhead realised, looking down at yesterday's borrowed that she was wearing and thinking back to her own clothes in Oreius' spare room, "No, I don't."

"There's no need to frown, you're near enough pouting as terribly as Lucy does! It isn't a problem." Susan glanced back to their guest before revealing an arm full of dresses, "There are plenty in my wardrobes alone, never mind the countless we can have you made if needs be. Here, at least try mine on for size, I believe we'll be similar measurements."

Lilith blinked. They gowns were beautiful, even if so far she had only seen them thrown over the Queen's arm. Each one looked stunning and very, very expensive. But of course they were expensive, they belonged to a Queen, Lilith found she kept having to remind herself.

She doubted for a moment whether she was even allowed to wear a Queen's dress- was that even legal in England? But she wasn't in England, and the Queen herself had offered them and it would be pointless for Lilith to have her own made. There would be no point at all, seeing as she had no intention on staying in Narnia. She had to get home and-

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