Chapter 18 ~ The Trial Begins

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"Lucy." Peter spoke as his sister burst into the already bustling throne room.

"What's going on?" Lucy asked, eyes flying around the room before her breath caught in her throat. The young Queen froze as she saw Lord Lues stood, arm in a sling, looking haggard, but already beside where Peter had been the second before he had strode towards her.

"Do you know where Lilith is?"

"I- that's who I came about. Peter, you can't believe a word he says, he-"

"That's enough, Lucy." Peter spoke firmly before lowering his voice so only she could hear, "I'm trying to get to the bottom of this but you can't just go shouting that a Noble is making something like this up. I'm trying to sort this, but you have to trust me to do this properly."

"Did Susan tell you what Lilith said?"

"No. Susan only told us to up the search for Lues, but he was already dragging himself up the castle steps."

Lucy looked across the Hall to her sister- who seemed to be conversing sincerely with a Knight- shook her head in annoyance, "Lilith confessed to stabbing Lord Lues but she had reason to, he tried to-"

"Not now, Lucy. I don't have time. I'll talk to Lilith later. These people are waiting for me to speak. A Lord is claiming he's been attacked in our castle and there're very, very important alliances that depend on-"

"I know, but listen to me!" Lucy insisted, drawing the attention of those stood nearby.

"No, Lucy." Peter replied, hushed but stern, "I'm trying to get rid of this lot so we can actually talk this out-"

"But you're talking it out with Lord Lues and you'll only get his side-"

"Go, Lucy."



The Valiant Queen swallowed her fury as she turned on her heel and swept from the room.


"Lu, this best be important." Peter spoke as the Monarchs and growing number of Council members headed towards the Throne Room two hours later. "To call a council at such short notice, I only just dismissed everyone two hours ago-"

"The sun's not even set, Pete, shut up." Edmund retorted, "You've been holed in your room those whole two hours, even when we tried to keep discussing this with you. No one knows what actually happened. If Lucy says this important, then I trust her."

"Thank you, Edmund." Lucy replied with a momentary smile, "Even if it is rather ironic, you telling Peter off for being holed up in a foul mood..."

"I wouldn't say a foul mood, more brooding." Susan added with a laugh from Peter's other side, which faltered when Lucy didn't laugh along, but simply sent her a glare. "What have I done?"

"You'll see." The Valiant Queen spoke quite venomously, surprising her siblings as the guards opened the grand double doors.

Peter noticed Lilith straight away. Her head bowed and she was stood beside Alia, not far from the Thrones. He hadn't seen her since they'd argued, especially not since the accusations that the battered Lord Lues had come to him with earlier that day. Peter tried to send Lilith a questioning look as he strode to the Thrones with his siblings, the other council members taking their place either side of the halls, but her eyes were firm on the ground.

"It is not I who called Council once more this day." The High King addressed the Hall, "But my Royal sister, Queen Lucy the Valiant, who will speak- and enlighten us all." Peter added quite pointedly before taking a seat, Lucy sending him a respectful nod and standing.

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