Epilogue • 'A New, Mighty Shield'

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'When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.'

~ C.S. Lewis

It was a good few years later that Mrs Beaver dropped onto all fours in order to catch up with a young boy, who had taken off at a run through the corridors of Cair Paravel the moment she'd turned her back.

Even at the young age of five and waving a wooden sword above his blonde curls that bounced as he ran, the boy was a task to gain on. "Prince Tyon!" Mrs Beaver called, "Your sister is an infant! She won't understand your games-"

"But when she's older," The High Queen spoke as her son barrelled into his sister's chambers and towards his mother, "I'm sure she'll duel you until the night falls. But just for now-" Lilith bent to her son's level, "she's napping."

"Tha's boring, Mother-"

"It's better than her wailing the rest of the day, though, don't you think?"

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Mrs Beaver said once the Prince had outwardly agreed with the High Queen, still catching her breath, "I tried to keep him in the gardens-"

"Thank you." Lilith assured the elderly Beaver, "Tyon can be a handful for anyone. We're all lucky to have you on days Nanny Feltrice has off- aren't we, Tyon?"

The young Prince turned from where he'd been drawing and sheathing his toy sword repeatedly, seemingly trying work out just how dramatic he could be. Looking sheepish for his previous behaviour, he nodded, "Yes, Mother."

"Don't you think Mrs Beaver deserves an apology for you running away like that? It was very naughty, especially after those truffle breads made for you earlier."

"I only got one, Uncle Edmund ate-"


The Prince let out a substantial sigh, "I'm sorry, Mrs Beaver. I won't run off agai- Father!"

The High King chuckled, "What are you apologising for this time, Little Prince?"


Lilith, ignoring her son's blatant lie, decided to chastise her husband instead. "You'll be apologising, too, if you keep on talking so loud. It took me ages to get Alia to sleep."

"I won't be bothering you for the rest of the day." Peter told his wife, though his tone was much softer than before, "We're riding out soon."

"You're going already? I- Oh, and Mrs Beaver, I can take it from here. Thank you for today."

"Always a pleasure, Your Majesties." The Beaver nodded before leaving.

"I thought it was last spotted hours away..." The redhead continued, "You won't be gone long, will you? The picnic's tomorrow-"

"We'll be back before the sun sets." Peter assured her, "But just in case we are late back and miss any morning celebrations, I reckon the Prince deserves at least one birthday present a little early."

With Lilith showing no reason to disagree and his son's eyes lighting up in a way that reminded him of his younger sister at that age, Peter got to one knee in front of his son, revealing a small keepsake. It was a silver pendant in the shape of his own infamous shield and on it was the same silhouette of Aslan, but gold and raised from the initial body of the piece.

Peter took no offence at the slight frown on the boy's face- this was hardly the most exciting gift for a five-year-old to receive. "I know that it's not a new sword or anything sweet, Tyon," Peter sympathised, "but I want you to keep this, okay?"

With a confused but accepting nod, Tyon allowed his Father to place the small shield in his hand.

"Now, when you're older, I'm sure you'll get a big one of these, but it's important that you get this one first. You don't need a big, Knight's shield to always protect yourself." The High King explained slowly, folding his son's fingers around the pendant and then lifting the balled fist to his son's heart, holding it there. "But you always have to have trust in yourself. Trust in yourself and keep your heart full, full, full of love. Full of love for our people and for your Mother," Lilith smiled at her son and husband as they looked to her for a moment, "and for your sister, too. You've to always protect them and love them the best that you can. Do you think you can do that?"

Tyon nodded, standing as tall as he could. "Yes, Father."

Peter smiled and put a hand on his son's cheek, "And know I love you, too, yes? As much as Aunt Lucy loves our picnics."

"Yes, Father."

"Remember to say something other than 'yes', sometimes, too."

"Yes, Fa-" The Prince paused a moment, confused.

At this moment, Lilith stepped in, stifling her laughter. "Don't torment our son, Magnificent. You've a White Stag to catch, haven't you?"

"I do." Peter agreed, getting to his feet. "Are you sure you'll be okay here alone? Ed suggested that the girls stay, too, but they shut him down quickly."

"We'll be fine." Lilith assured the High King, glancing to the Prince, "We've a new, mighty shield to hide behind if anyone attacks whilst you're away on your little hunting trip, anyway."

Peter chuckled but raised his hand to her cheek, "I'm sure you'd fight them off single-handedly if they got within five miles of little 'Lia."

"Of course."

The young Prince turned from where he was peering in a crib at his sleeping sister just in time to see his parents share a kiss and, mirroring something he'd seen his Father do many times to his Auntie Lucy, pointed to the gold clock in the corner and declared, "You're late!"

The High King and Queen, both laughing, pulled apart.

"I will be if I don't leave now," Peter credited his son. "I'll be home soon." He told his wife, who nodded in understanding.

"Though you best be back in time for Ty's picnic-"

"Of course," Peter smiled, looking to his son, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

1 vote = official ownership of 5 Narnian Stars (seeing as you got all this way!)

Do I need to explain what happened when they went after the White Stag? Ahh, I don't think so.

Anyways, there was a reason I've been avoiding writing the epilogue for so long... it's because now the books over and whAT am I meant to do with my life?

Write the sequel that I have in mind?

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