Chapter 6~ To Fight a Fritz with a Shovel

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"It looks like you're barely holding the reigns. Annie, the horse I used to ride, barely paid attention even when I did." Lilith was talking over the King's shoulder as Aidren strode into the dark woods. It was a good thing Aidren knew where he was going, because neither Peter or Lilith could see further than a few meters ahead of them.

"You rode horses in England?"

"Only when I was younger. Lessons cost fortune, so my parents stopped them when I started High School."

"You can help yourself to the palace stables whenever you like. Any but Phillip, that is. Ed's as protective of him as he is of Ed, not that either will admit it, of course."

"Free food and horses?" Lilith mused. Perhaps Narnia wasn't the worst place the be stranded. "Maybe I should've gotten here sooner."

Peter found himself laughing, and even agreeing, before he said, "Well, we know how it feels to be where you are. I mean, our experience was slightly different but, it's lonely and intimidating, of course we're going to try keep you happy."

"No one's responsible for my happiness but me." Lilith quoted a cheesy post she'd seen Pinterest but it fit, and so she used it.

"Then think of it as a choice on our behalf, rather than responsibility." Peter replied, "I said all that negatively but you'll be okay, eventually. It just takes time to adjust."

"You said that very confidently."

"I'm a confident person."

"Not everyone's always confident."

Peter inhaled deeply before asking lightly, a long moment later, "So, you're from 2009?"

"2019." Lilith corrected, accepting the change of subject.

"The war must be over then, right?"

"War? Oh, of course- World War Two... It is, we won, obviously, or I'd probably be speaking German."

"I knew we'd win." Peter spoke more to himself, before remembering the girl behind him and the fact that she could essentially tell him the future, "How much longer did it go on for after 1942?"

"Until 1945. September, I think." Lilith recited, "You were too young to fight, weren't you?"

She saw the blonde in front of her nod, "By a few years," He answered. "People were getting in early, though."

"Would you have tried to enlist, too?"

"I'd thought about it." Peter admitted, not that he'd told anyone else before now, "When our Dad left to fight, I wanted to be like him. I'd see the soldiers leaving in their uniforms, tall and sure, with purpose. I wanted to fight for our King and country, too, but I don't think I could've left the girls and Ed. Or Mum, for that matter. Someone needed to be home with them."

"You were only 15."

Peter smiled, finding opening up about England far easier riding in the dark with Lilith behind him than with Susan sat in front of him, insisting they remember 'where they came from'. "My age wasn't about to stop me trying to protect them. Aslan, if the Fritz had invaded, I was prepared to be at that door with Dad's shovel."

Despite Lilith deciding that that was the sweetest thing she'd ever heard, she couldn't help but laugh, "Now that's a sight I'd love to have seen."

"You'd have been a few decades too late." Peter pointed out, glancing back to her. The glance was a mistake however, because the glance ended up being longer than a usual glance because- well, there was the silver moonlight that reflected against lose auburn waves and he'd never seen anything quite like it... And then he realised that she was looking at him, too, and their eyes had met.

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