Chapter 13~ 'Easy on the eye, good in a fight.'

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Lilith had never liked pink. It had always looked sickly and fake. Yet the light pink sea of astilbes in the Palace gardens looked so soft and so natural, that she sat and admired it for the rest of that day. At first through tears, then through her fingers that allowed her vision partial sanctuary from the unfamiliar world before her- and finally, through heavy eyelids as the flowers began to look dark and ossified once the sun had left the sky. Her chin now rested on her knees, her legs crossed and pulled to her chest, the swirling, white bench much appreciated by her weary limbs.

It was then that the faeries and fireflies begun their dances. Between the feathery buds, atop the layer of leaves, not once catching sight of the girl curled up, watching, feeling as if she were dreaming in the shadows.

But suddenly, the faeries fled. The fireflies flittered into the nearby forest. Shadows engulfed the gardens, and all was dark once more.

"You scared them away."

"I'm sorry." The High King's tone was truthful, his eyes more so as she saw them in the light of the flaming torch he held.

"It's fine. I doubt they'd have stayed out all night anyway."

"Would you have? No one's seen you in hours, they were worried."

"I will stay here." The redhead replied, ignoring the King's second point. "I'm kinda comfy."

"It's getting cold." Peter pointed out. He had never noticed how warm the lit castle windows looked during the night-time until he glanced up at them in that moment.

"Then go back inside," Lilith replied, seemingly nonchalant, "your siblings will be missing you. You've found me, now, anyway."

"They're missing you, too. Besides, I'd prefer to keep you company. The Palace feels empty at this time."

Lilith looked defeated as she shifted over on the bench, "You can stay if it's really company you want, but the show's over."

"I said I'm sorry." Peter spoke quietly, taking a seat beside her and resting the torch on the pebbled path.

"So am I."

"For what?"

"For earlier, making out that you were selfish. It was hypocritical, really."

"But I was being selfish." Peter admitted, watching the girl who listened, her eyes falling back on the darkened flowers, even without the faeries and fireflies to decorate them, her gaze held them steadfast. "You don't have to apologise for pointing it out, I lack control when I get mad."

Lilith laughed quickly, quietly, knowing full well that she shouldn't laugh at Royalty at all, "You can say that again."

The King could only agree silently, "I'll apologise to Oreius the next time I see him. If he's willing to be in my company again, that is."
"If you're with me, then I doubt it."

"What does that mean?" Peter asked, frowning, and upon the lack of an answer, asked, "What happened out there, Spitfire?"

"I killed Candren."  The redhead looked to him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she made her confession. "I killed him."

"No, you didn't. He was crushed, I saw-"

"He was crushed saving me." Lilith implored, "I was distracted by a dwarf who'd been killed. Candren pushed me away and fell in my place." 

The King's eyes flickered away from the redhead's for moment before he spoke slowly, "I think I understand why you feel guilty... but still, that's not your fault. That was his decision to make."

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