Chapter 26 ~ Assembling and Assigning

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"Lilith!" Lucy announced, surprised as the exhausted, bedraggled redhead stumbled over a protruding root and into the clearing with much less grace than she'd hoped to have.

"H-hi." The Crown Princess managed, grasping the stitch at her side, breathing erratic, "Y-you're alive!"

Lucy laughed slightly, mildly baffled at the glare Lilith gave Thirsa, who was beside her, "Of course I am! Is everything okay? You weren't followed, were you?"

"No, no." Lilith brushed her off, not completely listening as her eyes studied the Dyrad, raising a pointed finger. "You- you're-"

"What happened to you?" Lucy gushed, hurrying over to Lilith before she could get another word out, "You look awful!"

Lilith looked to the Queen with mild exasperation, "I was just exiled last week-" and just ran Aslan knows how far in case I just so happened to have to save your life.

"Here," Lucy spoke, taking Lilith's hand and guiding her through the trees, leaving Thirsa behind them, "there's a stream where you can bathe."

"And what were you two do down by a stream, hm?"

Lucy only gave an outraged, abashed laugh, missing how Lilith had aimed her question backwards and towards Thirsa. Serial Killer documentaries had taught Lilith that these kinds of isolated water bodies were half decent place to hide corpses temporarily...

"Oh, they'll be so happy to have you back." Lucy said, freeing Lilith's braid, "Alia was up in arms when she heard you'd been sent away. We've never seen her like this- she's even managed to convince Oreius to let her fight in the battle! Peter didn't have much of a say in it, either, but he hasn't- he hasn't said much at all the past week, apart from barking orders, which is understandable, I suppose. And-"

As much as Lilith wanted to be updated, and how nice it felt to have her hair tended to the first time in over a week, she heard a sound- a sound she didn't like from the moment it met her ears-

"The warning bells." Lilith recalled.

"But-" Lucy began with wide eyes, finishing her braid quickly, "But it's early by a day. They must be here already!"

"I must go." Thirsa spoke, "I've to take my place."

"You're fighting?" The Valiant Queen asked, looking to the Dryad, who had been watching them curiously. "But you mustn't! It'll be dangerous-"

"I fight for my home." The Dryad replied, Lilith taking everything she had to bite her tongue, "And for all that is right, my Queen."


"Don't fret," An impossibly soft, carmine pink, partly petalled hand brushed the young Queen's cheek, "all will be over soon. Have faith, Light."

Lilith believed the love in Thirsa's tone, no one could feign that- but still, she spoke deceptively to the Queen.

"I will." Lucy assured the Dryad, imploring as she requested, "Stay safe. I'll visit your tree as soon as it's over."

"I'll be waiting."

In a swirl of wind and enchantingly playful smile, Thirsa was gone.

Lilith was silent a moment as Lucy took a steadying breath, still watching from where the Dryad had departed. She couldn't tell her, not now- besides, she'd hardly hear her over the sound of the warning bells.

"I have to go." Lucy spoke loud but determined after a minute, gathering the bottom of her impeding skirts and beginning at a run through the trees.

"Wait!" Lilith called, beginning after her, "I'm coming with you!"

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