Chapter 9 ~ 'One Day at a Time'

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"Have you heard anything?" Was the first thing Lucy said to her sister as she entered the Dining Hall the next morning.

"I'm sure they've reached Calormen just fine, Lucy." Susan replied, noting that their guest was seated, also, "Good morning, Lilith. Lucy persuaded you to breakfast?"

The redhead shrugged, swallowing her mouthful, "I'd nothing better to do until noon, Candren's been given orders to make me do a full training day- noon until dusk, apparently."

"Oh, Dear Aslan, you have my sympathies. He used to make Peter and Edmund do those, it almost killed them. Do you remember, Lucy? They complained for days afterwards." After no reply from the young Queen, who was pushing a mushroom around her plate with her fork, Susan asked again, "Lucy?"

"I do remember." She replied, pacifying Susan, "Do you think they'll write back after the meeting?"

"Lucy, they'll be okay." The Gentle Queen reassured her sister once more, "Besides, we'll see them tomorrow afternoon."

"I know, it would just be nice to hear from them." Lucy replied with a small frown, pouring herself a tea. Lilith could only agree.

"I take it that you won't be staying for dinner again tonight?" Susan asked their guest, keen on a topic change.

Lilith shook her head, "I'm afraid not. Without Peter to 'escort me' back, Candren isn't to allow me to do the journey alone. I've to leave with him not long after training."

"I can understand why," Susan sympathised, "those woods, despite our best efforts to make them so, really aren't the safest at night."

"Peter and I never ran into anything."

"We can send you back with food, if you like?" Lucy offered, "Rabbit and apples can't be too good."

"Better than nothing." Lilith replied, remembering how hungry she'd gotten her first night in Narnia, before Oreius had found her. "But I might steal a little bread, if that's okay?"


"Oh, goodness. A merciless session?" Susan spoke with a pitying laugh as she saw Lilith traipse up the castle steps that evening, braid being freed and shaken to fall back around the girl's damp, reddened cheeks.

"One way to put it." The redhead replied, her breathing rate still settling, "Any ravens?"

"No." Susan replied, and Lilith couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. If Peter hadn't written to his sisters, clearly there was a reason she hadn't received a letter either. But then again, something could have happened...

"I do hope we hear something soon, though." Susan said, as if she'd heard Lilith's thought, giving a small shake of her head.

Lilith's brows furrowed, "You sounded so sure that they were okay at breakfast."

"I didn't want to worry Lucy." The Gentle Queen admitted as she begun down the corridor, "But they will be. Come, we'll fetch you a glass of water."

"Thank you... And they will. Of course, they will."

But Lilith's certainty was as fickle as the Queen's, and both young women knew this. "Say they didn't come back- for a while- and I'm saying this completely hypothetically," Lilith added quickly, seeing Susan's eyes widen, "What would happen?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, with this battle. Would you fight? Surely Lucy wouldn't?"

The Gentle Queen frowned, "I haven't much thought about it... I suppose I would lead the best I can but- well, Lucy even knows more about battles than I do."

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