Chapter 5 ~ 'Nowhere to Run.'

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"Oh, you poor thing! You've been run the length of the castle and thrown into a 3 hour strategy meeting!" Susan spoke as her eldest brother and Lilith entered. "We're not usually this awful to our guests, I can assure you."

"It's fine, Your Majesty" Lilith smiled, approaching the table. "It was actually quite interesting."

"She helped a lot, too." Peter spoke, taking his place opposite Susan and beside Lucy, "You and her would be impassable, Ed."

"I'll bear tha' 'n mind." Edmund munched in between mouthfuls of cod and potatoes.

"Edmund!" Susan scolded immediately, ignoring Lucy failing to stifle a laugh, "Finish eating first!"

The Just King rolled his eyes but swallowed, "I said, 'I'll bear that in mind', seeing as Pete's useless as strategy."

"I'm not useless! I'm just better on the field. It's too easy to overthink when planning, I'm better at on-the-spot decisions."

"So, rash decisions." Edmund smirked, "That's definitely the best way to lead an army, Pete... Not to mention 'overthinking', I didn't know you thought at all."

"You can sit here." Lucy told Lilith, patting the chair beside her, even if their guest did seem content stood, amused at the brothers' banter.

"Thanks, Lucy- I mean, Your Majesty." Lilith had contemplated drowning herself in one of the large jugs on the table instead of trying to eat a whole meal with Royalty and no guidance, but instead decided to give it her best.

"Don't worry for formalities, I find them pretty silly." Lucy told the girl for what felt like the thousandth time. Lucy loved being Queen, she loved all the opportunities and new friends she got to make, but how staid people acted around her had gotten tiresome only days after her Coronation. It was as though they feared her, and the last thing Lucy wanted people to think of her (except her enemies, perhaps), was that she was to be feared.

"They're necessary, Lu." Peter insisted for also what felt like the thousandth time, "If no one used them, we'd have even less respect from other Kingdoms."

"But Lilith's from England," Lucy argued, "That's not even in this world!"

"Hence we haven't insisted that she uses them. But still, others ought to."

"Susan insisted she use them!"

"Oh, that's right, Lucy." The Gentle Queen rolled her eyes, "Make me look like an utter Witch, why don't you?"

"You do that yourself." Edmund retorted off-handedly before quickly averting his gaze from his elder sister's scowl.

"How long have you been Kings and Queens?" Lilith decided to ask not long later, content with the pile of incredible looking food now on her plate.

"Three years." Lucy beamed, "Three whole years... Aslan, that's a long time! I haven't even thought of it in ages..."

"Actually, going by the history of English Monarchs," Susan spoke, taking a sip of the red liquid in her goblet, "we've barely ruled any time at all."

"But we're not English Monarchs." Peter replied, giving her a strange look.

"Your English and Monarchs, that's pretty close." Lilith pointed out fairly.

"If we're going by Narnian Monarchs, we've another 95 years to beat Jadis' rule."

An atmosphere as icy as the Witch herself passed over the table at the Just King's words.

"Jadis? Did she rule before you?" Lilith dared ask, morbidly curious as to why 3 sets of Royal eyes had dropped so they were looking at the table.

"She did." Edmund said, unruffled, "She ruled Narnia wrongly and horribly- unjustly- until we killed her."

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