Throughout The Years (PROLOGUE)

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It was a rainy day, dark, and gloomy, all the children at Elm Tree Elementary school were sad and bored with being stuck inside for their recess. All except one little girl, she was no more than five years old and she was sitting alone in the corner of Ms. Smith's classroom playing with legos. Everyone else was eating their snack, sleeping, drawing, finding anything to do on a boring day like this. But she was the only one playing with legos. She was a little lonely but she wanted to do what she wanted to do, so her teachers let her do her own thing.

A little boy walked up to the small girl, looking down. He had chestnut brown hair, with a few curls here and there. He was wearing a Star Wars sweater and jeans that were a little too long for his legs.

"Hi..." He said, a little embarrassed.

"Hello!" the girl said with a bubbly smile, "do you wanna play legos with me?" she asked the boy. He looked up with a shy smile.

"Sure!" He said almost immediately cheering up. He sat down next to the girl picking up one of the instruction books. He looked over at her pointing to a photo of what looked like a lego spaceship.

"Do you wanna build this one?" He pointed excitedly at the photo.

"Yeah! I love space..." the little girl lit up at the sight of the book and immediately started looking for the pieces. She stopped and turned around to look at the boy who was also looking for the pieces.

"What's your name?" she asked timidly

"I'm Peter... What's yours?" he tilted his head curiously.

"I'm Y/N"


It was a year later and the little Y/N waited for her friend patiently at the gates of the school. Both of their parents always dropped them off at the gate no matter what, rain or shine. It was almost time to go into class and Y/N started getting a little sad at the realization that her friend might not be coming today.

"He might be sick, we should go in, you can't miss school."

"Ok Happy." she sighed and walked into school with her dad's driver, her backpack hanging from her shoulders glumly.

After school that day she asked Happy to drive her to Peter's house to see if he was doing ok. However, when they pulled up there was a car she didn't recognize. When she knocked on the door to the house she got a feeling that something wasn't right. Usually, when she came over there was a warm feeling, and the door seemed welcoming, now she felt cold and sad. She expected Mrs. Parker to open the door but instead saw a pretty woman, with long dark hair, and a depressed look on her face.

"Hi sweetie, what are you doing here? Where are your parents?" She smiled weakly,

"I was wondering if Peter was home... he wasn't in school today and so I thought he was sick." Y/N said shyly

"Y/N?" a little voice came from behind the beautiful women. Y/N looked past the lady to see Peter, his hair was messed up and his eyes looked as though they were made of glass. He'd been crying.

"Aunt May can she come in?" he asked the lady. Aunt May nodded her head and let Y/N in.

Y/N ran straight to Peter engulfing him into a hug. She didn't know what was going on but she could tell that her friend was in pain. They went to his room and he pulled out some legos for them to play with. He started piecing some parts together, not even looking at the directions just taking a blue and a green piece and clicking them together then pulling them apart over and over.

"Peter what's wrong?" she asked, getting a little glum, Peter looked up at her and then looked back at his two pathetic blocks. Y/N wanted to know what was going on so she could comfort her friend. She decided the best way to ask him was with something they both loved. Legos.

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