✨Chapter One✨

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Word Count: 1046 

(A/N: (Y/U)=Your username (M/U)=Minecraft Username

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I sat in front of my computer, my (E/C) eyes scanning through the text on my screen, my mouth dropping. The screen said: 

"Multiple Minecraft streamers/youtubers have gone missing over the last few days. All of them being in the popular server named "Dream SMP""

I brought my legs up to my chest as a shaking hand left the mouse, finding itself to my mouth. 

They're... Missing? Well that would explain why they weren't posting.

I scrolled down to a list, and saw everyone's name except for two, Tubbo and TommyInnit. I ran a hand through my (H/C) hair. It was late, it was about 3AM, way later than what I'm used to. I close the tab and computer, and stabbed my phone with the charger, jumping onto the bed. I had school tomorrow. I was fucked. But I couldn't sleep. There were too many thoughts in my head to sleep. They were just... gone.

The next day, after school

I sat in front of my computer again, the first time after 3AM. It was about 4PM, right after school. It was tradition for me to stream after school for about an hour before saying goodbye to do my homework. I changed out of my school uniform, into some loose fitting shorts, and a grey sweater. I started the stream, which was called "Decorating my House!", and smiled as some people started so come in, going at a good 50 viewers. I waved at the camera as I got the mic ready, putting on my headphones, which was white, and had kitty ears on them.

(Y/U) is now streaming!

"Hey hey!" I said, clicking into the world called "Night Sky" and the chat said hi back. "Welcome back guys! Today, as you can see from the title, I am decorating my house!" I jumped a little in game, and started sprinting in the direction of my house. "Welcome, people who are just coming in!" I glanced over to the other screen, and smiled widely as someone donated $10. "Oh my god! I barely started the stream! Thank you so much..." I read the note, and clicked back into minecraft. The stream went on, with my gathering wood, flowers, and things like that to decorate my house. 

"Alright, we got the pink dye!" I smiled, combining a red dye with bone meal. "Alright, let's go find the sheep," I muttered, going to my sheep farm, and dying a sheep pink, sheering the wool off. "Three! Perfect!" I glanced over to the other monitor, which I had the chat on. "I do like pink." I said simply, looking back at the monitor with minecraft. In the end of the stream, we got the kitchen, living room, and one of he bedrooms done. I turned my attention to the list of donations that I missed.

 "Thank you for the donation again, Sam!" I finished reading the last donation, and looked back to the camera. "Anyways guys," I smiled, "This is the end for my the stream tonight, thank you guys for taking a little bit of your day to join me! Thank you guys so much! We reached 250 followers today! Anyways, see you guys in the next stream!" I smiled and waved, giving a peace sign as I turned off the stream. 

I put the mic away, taking my headphones off and started on some homework. After a few hours, my mom called my down for dinner, which I ate quickly, and quietly, my head in another place. Well, I was thinking about how the youtubers just... disappeared. It seemed so targeted... and strange.

I went  back to my homework after, there was a lot, and I really needed to stay on top of my classes. Hours zoomed by like a minute, and when I came back to reality, away from the exponents and 'x's, I got a notification from my phone, which I ignored, just shutting the screen down, briefly finding that it said "twitter" before I looked away to my clock. It was almost eleven, and since I usually slept early, and I slept late last night, I was very tired. 

I took as shower, blew dry my hair, and just jumped into my soft bed, seemingly sinking into it. Charging my phone, and closing my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep.

Notification from Twitter: Minecraft News: TommyInnit and Tubbo goes missing yesterday, the entire Dream SMP goes empty.

It seemed like the morning, with the sun piercing through my eyelids, and the a slight breeze on my cheek. It felt like grass under my head. Surprised, I opened my eyes slightly, to see strands of blond hair, and a pair of blue eyes blocking my view of the rest of the world. I felt my heart beat go a little faster as I fully opened my eyes, sitting up and smacking the blond boy across his face, getting up and bolting a few meters away from him. 

Who the fuck is that? Did I get kidnapped?

"Who the fuc-" I begun, before the boy interrupted me.


"Who are you...?" My eyes widened as I recognized the face. Blond hair, blue eyes, a red and white shirt and brown colored pants with white shoes. He was also tall... Very tall.


"how the fuck do you know me?" He said in a small voice, sounding slightly scared for once, unlike in his streams. Also he sounded... quiet. Strange...

"You- how do I not know you?" I took a step forwards, and he took a step back. "You-" My face lit up in recolonization again as I looked around us. At the bottom of my vision was a familiar sight. A hotbar. And on top of that was ten pixlated hearts, and ten meat on a bone looking things, and a small message on the bottom left saying: "(M/U) joined the world" 

"Mine... craft?" My voice shook.



Lmfao anyways... hope you enjoyed this! And I'm so sorry for the outro. I cringed at it, well unless y'all like it, that would be a surprise. Anyways, thank you guys for reading, and the next chapter will be in Tommy's P.O.V. :))

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