✨Chapter Seventeen✨

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Word Count: 2160

"One. Two. Three. Four." Wilbur began calling out. At this moment, the realization hit me.

"Five. Six. Seven. Eight." His voice continued.

"Dream, he shows no mercy. Don't point to the sky."

Eret's voice rang in my head.

"I'm sorry Eret..." Tears filled my eyes as I took them off the floor and to where I was walking, and took another step.

"Nine. Ten paces fire!" Wilbur called out.

Tubbo's P.O.V.

Few seconds ago

"One. Two. Three. Four."

"Tommy I can't watch." I muttered to my best friend as my other best friend was on the path taking steps to what could be her death.

"I can't either." Tommy muttered back.

"Five. Six. Seven. Eight."

"Tubbo close your eyes." Tommy said, looking down to me, and I followed his instructions, knowing it was for the best. At my feet, Fundy pressed up to me. After the count of seven, I felt the pressure of Tommy's arms on my shoulder and him pulling me close to his chest.

"Ok..." I felt my eyes start to water, but I faced down so no one could see.

"Nine. Ten paces fire!" Wilbur called out, his voice full of pain. (A/N: mans be in Spain without the s)

"(Y/N)!" I heard Eret call from the other side, and footsteps were heard. Before the arrow could be.

"(Y/N)?" Wilbur's voice called out quietly. "(Y/N)!" He screamed, his footsteps audible on the grass. "(Y/N) WHY?"

That's it. She's gone.

The thought make me break down, keeping my eyes shut tightly, my legs gave in, making my collapse to the floor, Tommy following me and holding me in a tight embrace, but Fundy left my side.

"(Y/N)..." Dream muttered, after that, all I could hear was chocked sobs from me and Tommy.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Ten paces fire!" Squeezing my eyes tightly together, I raised my arm to the air and let the arrow clash onto the floor, turning around to face Dream. 

"(Y/N)!" I heard Eret yell, and I could hear the arrow shoot too, but I couldn't feel it shoot me. I opened my eyes to see Dream tackled to the floor, the arrow missing me by a huge amount, and the one who tackled Dream... Was Eret?

"(Y/N)..." I looked to my left, where Wilbur stood, his eyes full of tears. "(Y/N)!"

"Wilbur..." I dropped the bow and let it fall to the floor.

"(Y/N) WHY?" he held me in a hug. "You could of died." He muttered into my hair.

"I'm not dead tho." I smirked.

"(Y/N)..." Dream came up behind me, confused. "Why'd you do that?"

I pulled away from Wilbur, with and said with a sheepish smile. "I didn't want you to die either."

Fundy came down from the hill, and stopped by my feet, nudging me. "Those two think you're dead." The fox laughed quietly, and I turned to see Tubbo and Tommy crying on the floor. I smiled, and for some reason, my eyes teared up too.

"Tommy! Tubbo!" I called out to the two boys, running towards them. "I'm not dead!" I laughed, wrapping them in a hug.

"(Y/N)!" Tubbo turned around first to see me, and started crying even harder.

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