✨Chapter Eleven✨

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Word Count: 1718

Tubbo stayed quiet, keeping his hands steady as he shot at them, barely hitting Dream on his arm. From afar, I saw the blond man hold his arm in pain as he shouted something behind him. Sapnap stood in front of him as George appeared from the forest, with someone who made all put down our bows and stop shooting.

"Nihachu?" Wilbur's faint voice rang from below the tower.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

George stumbled towards Dream, screaming at him about something we couldn't hear.

Wait, this- this isn't right. This never happened in the actual war.

I looked down the tower to Wilbur, who was stunned and frozen at where he stood. I smacked the wall of the tower in frustration and looked to the other four. "Stay here, I'm going to them." I told them, taking a pearl out. Before I threw it, Tommy grabbed my shoulder.

"Be safe."

"Thanks." I nodded before throwing the pearl to where the dream team stood. They weren't impressed.

"(Y/N)." Dream started, signaling for George, who had Niki by her arm, to move back. "Coming here to rescue your little friend?"

"Seriously?" I laughed half heartedly, "Niki? I knew you were gonna swoop low, but not that low." I crossed my arms, and Dream just glared at me from under his mask.

"Oh, says you." He chuckled bitterly. "Getting onto that tower? That's pretty low too."

"Not my fault that you don't have ladders." I returned. "Can we please have Niki back?"

Dream looked back to Niki, who stayed silent under George's grasp, shaking slightly. I locked eyes with her as Dream spoke up. "Dude, she's fucking shaking- stop terrorizing women and let her go."

"Yeah George! Let her go!" Sapnap shouted from behind the other two men, with a joking tone.

"Dream, you were the one to come up with this idea!" George retorted, letting Niki go with a little push.

Tubbo suddenly appeared with a pearl beside me, and tossed us two each a pear quickly before pearling away. Niki soon followed and I threw the pearl, and it seemed like it was gonna make it, but I just fell into the river. Eret pulled me out, and onto the shore. "Thank's dude." I said, in between coughs. 

"You good?" He asked, patting my back. 

"Never been better." I stood back up with the help of Tubbo's support. "Please remind me to never inhale water again." I deadpanned.

"Thank you." Niki said genuinely, with a glint of anger in her eyes. "Those bitches." Her tone turned dark in a second, surprising me, and Tubbo who was holding me up by my arm, causing us to almost fall. 

"We should head back to L'Manburg." Eret suggested, picking the fox back up. 

"Yeah, we need to re-group..." Wilbur had said, but his voice fizzled out, and disappeared into the mess that is my thoughts. "(Y/N)," I heard, but wasn't sure if it was just a piece of my thoughts, or someone actually calling for me. 

"(Y/N)!" I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing that they had been calling for me, and that they were looking to me for directions. "What's wrong?" Tommy asked, concern filling his voice.

"I- it's nothing." I fiddled with my fingers, knotting my eyebrows together in frustration. Tubbo, who was holding me up, tightened his grip on me.

"(Y/N), it's not nothing." Wilbur sighed.

"I- This isn't how it goes. This isn't what I remembered! I studied basically every frame of the fucking war, but I-" I looked up to the group. "I don't even remember what the original war looked like anymore." I felt my breathing start to quicken, and tears filling my eyes. They depended on me, I was the one who knew everything about the war. I was the one who knew that there was a trap ahead. I-

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