✨Chapter Seven✨

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Word Count: 1231

"We have a talking fox, deal with it" I smiled and Tubbo and Tommy chuckled on the other side of us.

"Ugh you guys always make such a big deal out of it." Fundy grumbled.

"'cause foxes don't speak, son." Wilbur shook his head. Somewhere along the timeline, Wilbur had claimed Fundy as his son. Who the fuck knows when. "I'm going to go finish the uniforms now, see you guys later." He turned and walked away.

"Wanna help us with the wall?" I asked Eret, who smiled and said 'why not?'

Timeskip to next day

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

It was early in the morning, and what I guessed was about 5AM when I woke up. Ever since Eret joined us, I've felt uneasy, not sure why but I got a bad feeling about him. I brushed the feeling off and spent the days suppressing it. I just kept waking up at night too and can't sleep well. I knew the war declaration was coming sooner or later, so I wasn't surprised when I saw dream at the door, a crossbow in hand.

"Big D." I smiled a little, "What brings you here at this time? It's quite early." He smiled behind his mask, taking off his hood, and the beady, blank, emotionless black eyes on the mask staring back at my own. 

"Yeah, a little too early for my liking, but I knew that you would wake up first, and I would rather not face Wilbur yet..." He opened his inventory and took out a book, I eyed it in his hands, then looked up to the damn tall man. 

"War declaration?"

"How'd you know?" The question was genuine.

"I know everything." I smirked at Dream, and he smirked back. 

"Y'know what? I feel kinda bad, so Imma give you a hint." He turned, and looked back at me. "You don't know everything, you're making a big mistake." He faced away from L'Manburg again and walked away into the darkness.

"What mistake am I making?" I looked down to the book. Is it Eret? Is that why I've been getting bad vib-

"(Y/N)!" I turn around to see Tommy running up to me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Good morning Tommy, is anyone else awake?" I asked, turning around to face him.

"Tubbo is, but he's chilling in the van." He looked down to the book in my hand. 

"Oh- war declaration." I held it out to him.

"Declaration of War..." He muttered the title out, and opened the book to read it. "Declaration  of war, sometimes you just gotta kill some people sometimes y'know - Sun Tzu. Dream SMP declares war on L'Manburg. Joint resolution, Sapnap, Dream." He looked up. "The bitches spelt L'Manburg wrong, they wrote 'La'Manburg.'" Tommy complained, pointing the book to me. I took it and looked at the words. 

"Yeah, they did. Imma go show this to Wilbur, he should be awake soon." Tommy nodded and you took off towards the Van.

Tommy's P.O.V.

I watched (Y/N) run off towards the van, which Tubbo opened the door to and walked out just to jump at (Y/N) screaming at him to wake Wilbur up the two rushing inside and I hear muffled screaming in the van. I turned and was going to scout out the place when I saw a figure walk from the woods. It was Dream, and from what I knew, it was him again.

"Hey," He waved at me.

"Why the fuck are you are again?" I glared at him.

"Whoa whoa, calm down, I'm not gonna just off you now, I'm gonna wait till the war."

"Oh shut up, what do you want?"

"Just telling ya that tomorrow, at noon, meet me at your old house."

"Can I make it an embassy?"

"I don't see why not."

"Bet." I smiled slightly. "Now get out of L'Manburg."

"I'm not even in fucking L'Manchildburg."

"You can't even say the name right."

"Whatever." He turned and walked away, I sighed as his figure disappeared into the trees, then looked back towards the van, running to it. I slammed the door open to see a distressed Wilbur, a panicking (Y/N), a horrified Tubbo, a confused Fundy trying to see the book and a Eret that was done with everything.

"So... We have a war." I chuckled awkwardly.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"We have established this, we fight with words, not weapons. We can't fight- we can't win." Wilbur sighed.

"But we have to do this! We need to get our independence!" Tommy counted.

"We have no supplies." Tubbo fought back.

"We have the upper hand, I know almost everything about the war, except for some things... I can't remember it... but I'll figure it out." I smiled. "We can do this."

"Yeah! For independence!" Tommy's voice was bright, determined and passionate.

"I'm not sure about this, you guys will get hurt..." Wilbur looked down, sitting down in a chair.

"This is basically real life- I can't respawn, but we can do this!" I exclaimed, and though they didn't know what I meant exactly with 'respawn', they seem sold.

"Exactly! We can do this, Wil." Tommy smiled widely, and Tubbo was smiling a bit too.

"I'm in, I'm not much of a fighter, but I can gather materials and things." Tubbo added in, and me and Tommy looked to him.

"See? Even Tubbo's in." Tommy looked back to Wilbur, and I followed his gaze to the man.

"Count me in too." Eret added in.

"I can't really do anything, but whatever I can do, I'll do it. I'll be your personal book delivery person!" Fundy told Wilbur, jumping onto the table in front of Wilbur.

"Fundy..." Wilbur looked to the fox. 

"I know, I'm so useful that you should just adopt me as a son." Fundy chuckled jokingly.

"Y'know what, Fundy?" Wilbur 'boop'ed his nose, sending him flinching back a little. "I will do that, you're my son now." He smiled and Fundy nodded.

"Can I call you Daddy Wil-"

"FUNDY NO-" I grabbed the fox and held him tightly in my grasp, making sure not to hurt him. "Shut up." I glared at the fox, who just rolled his eyes. "Anyways, so, Wilbur, you in?" We all looked to him, mischievous smirks on our faces.

Wilbur titled his head slightly, a evil glow to his eyes. "I might just go along with it." 

I looked around the group, which were now all sharing the evil smirk. 

"Let's do this."

Next Day

Sapnap and George sat on a hill behind Dream as Wilbur, Tommy and I arrived at our meeting place, Tommy's old house, or the embassy. Dream's beady black eyes on his mask somehow glowed with thirst for a fight. Me and Wilbur was a little put off by it, but Tommy, being Tommy was perfectly fine.

"Dream." Wilbur spoke out, getting the man's attention. His mask was moved upwards, showing a part of face and the smirk that grew wider when we came closer.

"Tommy... and Wilbur... and (Y/N) and the rest of L'Man-Child-berg. We are at war." 


Oh shit, shit's about to go down. 

Also I'm pretty sure no one has ever called Wilbur "Daddy Wilbur" but yeah, whatever, IT'S KINDA FUNNY OK?

Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's a little short, but welp- cliff hangers are a thing that I do.

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