✨Chapter Five✨

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Word count: 1237

"Hey Wil," Tommy starts, and Wilbur gives him a small 'yeah?' "what if we overthrew the fucking government?"

"HEY HEY LET'S NOT DO THAT-" I panicked, waving my hands in front of me.

"Yeah... They're kind of jerks." Tubbo agreed, nodding a little.


"Hell yeah than let's do it!" Wilbur looked to me.

"So are you in?" He asked.

There's no getting out of the war, is there?

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I sat there, having fucking war flashbacks. The fucking DreamSMP war was happening right in front of me, and what am I doing to prevent it? Nothing.

"Is this the best idea?" I asked, hesitantly. If I was going to be in this damn war, I would be on L'Manburg's side.

"(Y/N), you haven't been under Dream's rule?" Wilbur's tone was dark, and I looked away from him. "I've been here for a year. It's shit. It's all shit." He scowled and I looked to him.

"A... Year?" I stuttered out. It's only been about five days since Wilbur disappeared. Five days. My eyes widened as I realized. "Minecraft days... One Minecraft day is twenty minutes..." I muttered under my breath, not loud enough for any of the others to hear.

"Yeah, a year." Wilbur sighed. "Dream's been here for about one and a half." We all paused for a second, and Wilbur continued. "That's beside the point, (Y/N), either you're with us, or you're against us. What do you choose?"

I stood there, unsure about what to say. I was against the war, but I wasn't against them.

"Bet. I'm with you."

Wilbur smiled mischievously. "Hell yeah."

"YES THE WOMAN'S WITH US!" Tommy screamed, and I chuckled.

"I'm so glad that you're gonna be with us..." Tubbo smiled sweetly at me. "I wouldn't want to kill you..."

"Of course! You guys found me first, and I guess it's finders keepers." I smiled back and laughed. "What's our first move?" I returned Wilbur's mischievous smile.

"Let's build a fucking wall."

"Around what?" Tubbo asked, and Tommy and I looked to Wilbur.

"The caravan, it's gonna be our home base."

"Let's build the damn thing right now before dream can do anything about it." Tommy joined in.

"I'll write a declaration of Independence." I added

"I'll go gather the materials." Tubbo offered.

"Let's go." Wilbur's tone went even darker, and we all smiled.

Couple of hours later

"Yo, is this big enough?" Tommy screamed across the forest to Wilbur, who screamed back a 'YEAH!'

"Hey Tubbo you wanna proof read th-" you came up to Tubbo with the book, then stopped. "Fuck no you can't read."

"Yeah I can't read." Tubbo confirmed sadly.

"It's ok, fuck dyslexia."

"What's dyslexia?"

"It's what caused you to not be able to read, don't worry."

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