✨Chapter Ten✨

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Word Count: 1460 

"Are we ready?"

We all looked at each other, waiting for someone to answer first. Eventually, all eyes set on me.

"Uh- ready as I'll ever be." I panicked, singing the line from that one song from Tangled.

"The fuck (Y/N)."
"What the actual FUCK-"
"What was that?"

The room rang with annoyed and confused voices, while I just snickered.

"I'm not kidding, I'm ready as I'll ever be." I smiled at them, while I just got glares in response. "Oh, or aye aye captain." I made another reference, this time to Spongebob, which the boys just rolled their eyes to.

"Alright boys, and girl." Wilbur clasped his hands together, making everyone shut up. "Let's go."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

We set off for Tommy's tower, near the embassy, that was where Dream decided we should meet to begin the battle, which we agreed to. The uneasiness in the air was almost suffocating. I could tell, all of us were scared shitless. 

Dream's P.O.V

I sat on top of the power tower, waiting with my bow and arrow. I squinted as I saw faint glimpses of their blue uniforms. I smirked a little at that, knowing who made them, and that person's fate. "Hey, they're coming!" I whisper screamed at George and Sapnap, who ducked as they got to the bottom of the tower.

"Are they late?" I heard Tommy ask, which was answered by Tubbo with a little 'i dunno'

"Wait guys-" (Y/N) spoke up, hushing them. She knew it.

Before she could say anymore, I got up from behind the wall and shot down at a TNT, with my arrow on fire.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Wait guys-" I was cut off by a sound on top of the tower. Bingo. I pushed Wilbur and Tubbo towards the embassy and grabbed Tommy by his arm, as Fundy and Eret got my signal to run. We ran into the embassy, the TNT exploding right behind us. I covered my ears as I hid in the small room behind the main room, the explosions' sound ringing.

"Thanks..." Wilbur groaned as he got up from his place in the room, looking to me. "You and your past life facts."

"Yeah of course." I said back, opening he door to a half destroyed home, I froze, looking towards Tommy, who looked hella mad.

"It's fine." Tommy grumbled as he pushed past me, pulling out his own bow. "Those fuckers are gonna pay."

I smiled, Tommy's Tommy, why was I even worried? He took a bow out of his inventory, a fire in his eyes. He drew an arrow and fired it back to them, barely missing George. "Time to attack back?" The others smiled, drawing their own bows. We shot at them from behind what once was Tommy's wall for a while.

They held up against five people shooting them well, which was something that we didn't expect. Well, they were holding up well until Tubbo shot George in the arm. 

Dream's P.O.V.

"Shit!" I screamed as the arrow hit George. "We need to get away from here!" I gave each of them a pearl, and we pearled away to another tower, further away from them. "Go go go!"

We pearled into the river, and walked so we were near the other tower.

"Fuck!" Sapnap's voice rang from inside the tower. "We can't get up, there's no ladder." I sat there silently on the ground as I wrapped a cloth around George's arm, while he kept an eye to see if L'Manburg is coming out of the house. 

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