✨Chapter Three✨

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Word Count: 1296

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"Who are you...?" My eyes widened as I recognized the face. Blond hair, blue eyes, a red and white shirt and brown colored pants with white shoes.


"how the fuck do you know me?" He said in a small voice, sounding slightly scared for once, unlike in his streams.

"You- how do I not know you?" I took a step forwards, and he took a step back. "You-" My face lit up in recolonization again as I looked around us. At the bottom of my vision was a familiar sight. A hotbar. And on top of that was ten pixlated hearts, and ten meat on a bone looking things, and a small message on the bottom left saying: "(M/U) joined the world"

"Mine... craft?" My voice shook.

Tommy looked confused at my words. We looked behind him as footsteps were heard, it sounded as if a person was running, and a boy appeared through the trees. He had a wide smile, and I recognized him too. His brown hair and green button-up combo was hard to miss. I smiled a little, feeling a bit of comfort that it wasn't just me and Tommy here.

"New people!" Tubbo walked up to us, "Welcome..." He swiped the air up, and the hologram of the chat popping up. "(M/U)... (insert a nickname with the username)!" He smiled as he gave me the new nickname, and I chuckled. 

"Thanks..." I smiled as Tubbo took my hand, pulling me out of the clearing. "Let's go to the main bases!" He started pulling me along, faster than any gamer could run, with Tommy laughing at his enthusiasm as he followed us. We arrived at a plains biome, and my eyes scanned the place, recognizing it immediately. 

"The Dream SMP..." I said quietly as we stopped on top of a mountain that looked over the entire... city (?).

Tommy picked up on my words and gave me a look of surprise, nudging Tubbo. "Did we tell her that this place was called the Dream SMP?" He asked Tubbo.

"No?" The boy replied, also confused. "Anyways, let's get off this mountain." He dragged us down the mountain, and onto the wood path that I remember the duel was held on. A few people walked towards us, and Tubbo waved at them.

Scanning the group, you recognized that it was Wilbur, Dream, Sapnap and George. Dream was wearing a neon green hoodie and some jeans. His mask with a smiley face slightly securely across his face, covering all his features. 

"Hey! Welcome to Dream SMP!" Dream spoke loudly, Sapnap rolled his eyes and George chuckled while Wilbur just gave me a soft smile and gave a small nod of acknowledgement, and Nihachu was just smiling sweetly. Dream nudges Sapnap and George, telling them to stop, then turned back to me. "Anyways, I'm-"

"Dream, George, Sapnap, Nihachu and Wilbur, right?" I twirl on my toes backwards to the two boys, who looks very confused. "You two are Tommy and Tubbo, right?" I smiled at them. "You guys really don't have to explain anything, I know every corner of this world." I chuckled a little, I sounded like a stalker or something, but it's just 'cause I watched a lot of Dream and Tommy.

"How do you know us?" Wilbur asked, turning you towards him. 

"How... do you know this world so well?" Tommy muttered, and Tubbo nodded to his question, asking the same.

"You... Don't remember?" I tilted my head, now as confused as they are.

"Remember what?" Nihachu asked.

"Do you even remember your names?"

"..." The group went quiet, some looking away.

"You're not serious." I said quietly, almost a whisper.

"I think we are..." Sapnap said at the same volume.

"So..." Tubbo tapped your shoulder, making you turn to him. "Do you know your name? What you were like before you came here?" His voice was weak, and unsure.

"Yes... I-" You knotted your eyebrows together. "Yes, I'm (Y/N), I'm 16, and I was a streamer named (Y/U)." You walked past the two boys, and turned to look at the group as a whole. "You were all streamers and your users were Tubbo, Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot, Nihachu, Dreamwastaken, Sapnap and Georgenotfound." I fiddled with my hands for a while as we all stood in silence, before Dream spoke up. 

"Guys... We can't do anything about our past, right?" He sounded unsure, but covered it up with fake confidence. "We're here now, and we can't do anything about the past." He looked to me, well, all I could see was his mask, the black dots staring into my soul. "(Y/N), can you tell us something, but nothing else?" I nodded, "What... were our names?"

"I..." I racked my memories for their names, though I only referred to them to my friends as their usernames, I still remembered. The groups sat in silence for a moment as you thought. 

"Oh, okay okay, Tommy- he's Tommy, Wilbur's Wilbur, George's George. Those are obvious." You chuckled awkwardly as you continued. "Tubbo's Toby, Dream's Clay, Sapnap's Nick and Nihachu's Niki." 

"Thank you, (Y/N)" Dream smiled at me, and I smiled back. Tubbo seems slightly dazed, Nihachu seemed to recognize her name and Sapnap just gave a small 'oh'.

"Wanna know anything else?" I asked Dream.

"I... I think it's for the best that we don't dwell on the past, right?" He gave me a sad smile, and I nod.

"Anyways," Sapnap spoke up. "Can I still call you guys by our usernames? I'm used to it." 

The group agreed, giving a bunch of 'yeah' 'yes' and 'yup's.

"We need to build you a house and teach you some stuff, but..." Dream looked to Tommy. "Why don't you stay with Tommy today?"

"Why me? Why do I Have to spend time with a woman?" Yup. Still the same Tommy.

"Just do it, if not you, who?" Dream asked, rolling his eyes.

"Tubbo? How 'bout him?"

"But he's babey." I argue back.

"Wha- What does that even mean?" Tubbo sounded confused.

"It mean's that you're babey." I explained, but it was just repeating yourself. 

"That didn't explain shit." Tommy chimed in.

"Whatever." I laughed.

"It's gonna be you, Tommy, no fighting back." Dream said simply before turning to walk away, George and Sapnap going before him. He turned back and looked at Wilbur before leaving. "Can you help her with some stuff tomorrow?

"Yeah sure." Dream smiled at Wilbur's words.

"Nice, see you guys around!" Dream walked away quickly, catching up to the other two, "Wait- you two dickheads wait for me!" I chuckled as Dream caught up, and Tommy sighed, grabbing your arm. 

"Let's go." He sounded defeated, pulling you down the wooden path.

"Wait! Can I stay with you two tonight?" Tubbo chased after us two.

"Who the fuck cares anymore? There's already enough people in my house, so why the fuck not?" Tommy said in a half irritated tone, but you could tell that he was happy that Tubbo was coming. "So fucking clingly..." He muttered, but the smile on his face said otherwise.

"Have fun you three!" Wilbur said behind us teasingly, holding in a laugh at Tommy's tone of voice.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Tommy spoke back, and I turned, giving Wilbur a small wave, and Tubbo following suit.


Hey! Enchan here with the author's note!

Thank you for reading! I published the first three chapters at once, so... If you made it here....


I am going to put Eret and Fundy here, but it's gonna be later, ALSO I WANNA MAKE FUNDY AN ACTUAL FOX. LIKE A TALKING FOX. Seems like fun to write, and (Y/N)'s gonna laugh her ass off.

anyways! I will upload again soon!

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