✨Chapter Twelve✨

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Word Count: 1324 

George came at me with his axe, but before I could react, he was beside me, and I stood there, frozen. He had the axe to my chest, and was going to hit at any second, but before he could, Tommy came behind him with a sword, hitting him with the blunt end of it, making him pass out too.

"Y-you ok?" Tommy breathed out, his hands shaking.

"Yeah, you?" I asked, nodding quickly to his shoulder.

"Could be better," He turned and glared at Dream and Sapnap, who glared back. They held their axes, ready for battle.

But so were you two.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I switched my bow out for an enchanted netherite axe, one of the most powerful things that Tubbo had gotten for us, while Tommy had an enchanted diamond sword. We held it in front of us as Fundy slipped off into the darkness of the corners of the room.  It was for the best, a fox couldn't do much for this.

Dream took a step forward, and so did Sapnap. We took a few steps to the left, trying to avoid stepping on George. This went on for a while, until we were clear of any unconscious bodies.

"I can't believe that you would swoop that low." I glared at them, honestly disappointed. 

"Oh, we're not swooping low, we're just being smart." Dream laughed, a smirk plastered on his face. I glanced towards Tubbo, who had propped himself on a wall, his shirt stained with blood from when Sapnap stabbed him. I then glanced to Tommy, who held his shoulder, wincing in pain. Dream had stabbed him in the shoulder earlier, also not good. "And our plan worked, I guess." He took a step towards us, and we stood our ground, not moving backwards or forwards. 

"We're not down yet." My grip on the axe tightened at his words, anger rising in me.

"Oh, you will be soon." Dream brought out a crossbow on one hand, and a shield in another. 

"Shit." I muttered under my breath.

"Shit indeed." Dream's smug smile was still on his face under his mask, the beady black eyes staring into my soul. He shot the arrow, aiming not exactly at either my chest or my head. He had some sort of decency. Tommy brought out his shield from his inventory in time and went in front of me, blocking the arrow. Sapnap came in from the side with his axe, and I blocked it with mine, pushing him back. With his free hand, Tommy handed me an arrow and I grabbed my bow back out. I shot Sapnap again, aiming for the leg this time, but Sapnap dodged it. 

"Fuck," I raised my bow again to shoot, getting my own arrow this time, but Dream had moved in front of him with his shield. I held my position as Dream held his. We were in a huge disadvantage. Even though I've shot both of them, Dream in the shoulder, and Sapnap in the stomach, they were still agile as fuck. Sapnap was having a harder time moving, but that's way better than being passed out, or being stabbed, and not being able to move much.

"Give up now." Dream snarled at us, but I didn't put down my bow, and Tommy didn't put down his shield and sword. 

"haha- no." I laughed bitterly, and from the corner of my eye, I saw some movement. I glanced over quickly to see Tubbo getting up silently behind Dream and Sapnap. I gave him a quick glare before turning my eyes to the enemies, not wanting to let them know that Tubbo was up and going. 

"What do you mean 'no'? We have you corn- you're not in a fucking corner, fuck." Dream mumbled to himself, not knowing that Tubbo had now gotten his axe out, sneaking up behind him.

Tubbo's P.O.V.

C'mon... Tubbo get up. The pain in my stomach was unbearable, and breathing was starting to get difficult, but I needed to get the fuck up and help my two best friends. 

"haha- no." I heard (Y/N)'s voice taunt, but I couldn't see her, or anyone for this matter from the tears that had started to gather in my eyes due to the pain. Suck it up, Tubbo. I pushed myself off the ground quickly, and surprisingly silently. That's the perk of being one of the smallest people in the room. Wiping the tears out of my eyes, I looked to (Y/N), who was looking right back at me. She gave me a glare of warning, but quickly looked away. 

"What do you mean 'no'? We have you corn- you're not in a fucking corner, fuck." I took out my iron axe, which (Y/N) have told me did the same damage as diamond ones. that's so fucking weird... I thought to myself as I focused back at the task at hand. Fundy came at my feet, looking towards Dream, then looked up at me. 

"I'll distract Dream, you deal with Sapnap." Fundy whispered so quietly that I could barely hear. I nodded, and the fox slipped off into darkness again. I look to me left where Wilbur lay, and back to the back of Sapnap and Dream's heads. 

I- I'll just stab this axe i-in his arm, no pressure... 

"kindness was..." I heard (Y/N) sing on top of the wall, facing me, but higher up. She stopped in her lyrics, looked at me, and pushed off her hands so her balance was in the front of her. "your only strength in a land so full of anger." She smiled. 

"What was that?" I asked.

"Your song,"


"It's a song about you, and those lyrics are true, the more I look into your personality."

"What? Really?"

"You're too kind." She snickered

Why? Why were these memories popping in my head as I'm about to half cut someone's fucking arm off? Of course I wouldn't just chop it straight off- but still. Tears begin to fill my eyes again, but this time not because the pain. I bit down on my tongue as I squeezed my eyes tightly, bringing the axe down on the man's arm. I hear a thread of swears as Dream turned back to Sapnap, and I pull the axe back in fear, before Fundy tackled Dream to the floor, and (Y/N) shot Sapnap twice, once in the arm and once in the leg, making sure he wasn't gonna get up and chase us before shooting Dream in the leg too. Tommy rushed to Wilbur, propping him up as best as he can as the man begin to wake, and (Y/N) rushed to me, asking me if I was ok. I nodded weakly. She nodded back hesitantly, and grabbed my arm, telling me to run as fast as I could. This whole section flashed across my eyes, and was blurry as fuck. I had zero idea on what was happening as we rushed out of the room, with Fundy on our tails, leaving the three on the floor of the room. 

"W-where are we going?" I asked, being pulled by the arm by (Y/N).

"Where are we going?" She asked Wilbur, who was leading the way.

"Niki's bakery." Wilbur said, not turning back. We went along the paths, and eventually headed down the stairs that lead to Niki's bakery. We stopped in front of her doors, but as soon as we slowed down to a stop, I felt all the adrenaline run out at once. My eyes became heavy, and my balance getting worse.

But I have to stay awake and standing for my team... I need to be awa...-

"TUBBO!" (Y/N)'s voice was all I heard before everything went dark.


Uh- So I quoted a song! pog!

Here's the song: 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Haha also I feel like shit for doing this to bee boy. ;-; 

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