✨Chapter Six✨

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Word Count: 1522

Sapnap's P.O.V

I was taking a nice nap under the tree when a tap was felt on my shoulder, waking me up. I opened my eyes, squinting at the sun. And a man with sunglasses, wearing a green shirt and jeans came up to me.

"Do you know where I am?"

I look to the left bottom of my screen,

Fundy joined the game
The_Eret joined the game

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"First citizen?" I asked Tommy, who nodded.

"Fundy, you're born on L'Manburg lands!" Tommy looked to Fundy, who was very confused, and very rightfully so.

"What?" Me and Fundy asked, confused.

"Whatever, I'll get Wil." Tommy said, walking away. Then he turned, and stuck his tongue out at me. "You're no fun."

"Oh shut it." I said back, then looked to the fox. "Welcome to L'Manburg." I smiled.

"Hi, thanks." He smiled, and looked to the caravan. "Why's there a flaming hotdog on a van?"

"Zero idea." I replied quickly, and we watched as Tommy dragged a very tired and annoyed man out the van, grumbling about kids.

"Tommy the fuck do you-" Wilbur cut himself off as he saw the fox. "Where'd you guys find a fox? we live no where near a taiga biome."

"It's not any fox, did you see the chat?" I asked, and he swiped the air up to reveal the hologram.

"Is this Fundy, or The Eret?"

"Fundy, and he can talk. He's a furry." I smiled, knowing no one knows what furry means.

"So. A talking fox." Wilbur deadpans.

"A talking fox." Tommy confirmed.

"I heard something about a talking fox?" Tubbo asked from behind us.

I picked Fundy up, who was just chilling on the grass as he looked to us, confused. I turned to face Tubbo, who was standing at the gate of the wall. "A talking fox."

"Hi?" Fundy used his paw to wave at Tubbo who jumped at little.

"Holy shit a talking fox." Tubbo said quietly.

"Put me down." Fundy glared at me, and I put him down, chuckling a little, and he looked to me, then Wilbur.

"You guys... went to the SPAWNING GROUNDS?!" Welp, Wilbur not impressed. "Do you know how dangerous that is? There's always a Dream SMP member there!"

"No no! We didn't!" I waved my hands in front of me, signaling for him to calm down. "Bitch spawned like- a meter from where we're standing!" 

"I'm not a bitch." Fundy looked back to me.

"You're in the canidae family, you're related to dogs." I explained to him, and he just rolled his eyes.

"Ugh, whatever, I signed the fucking book." Wilbur held the book out. "Who's delivering it?" He looked around the circle, and no one said anything. Honestly, no one wanted to deliver the book. He looked down to the fox by his feet. "Hey, Fundy, right?" 

"Yeah, what?" Fundy looked away from me to Wilbur again.

"Can you deliver something for us?"

"Uh... sure?"

Sapnap's POV

I had briefed this guy-Eret-on what's going on, and we were walking back to Dream's house, so I could tell Dream that, well, this guy was going to be on our side, and we had one more member. Dream and George had gotten my whisper from chat and stood outside the house, looking to me and the new guy, who wore sunglasses, a dark green t-shirt, and jeans. 

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