✨Chapter Four✨

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Word Count: 1349

"Let's go." He sounded defeated, pulling you down the wooden path.

"Wait! Can I stay with you two tonight?" Tubbo chased after us two.

"Who the fuck cares anymore? There's already enough people in my house, so why the fuck not?" Tommy said in a half irritated tone, but you could tell that he was happy that Tubbo was coming. "So fucking clingly..." He muttered, but the smile on his face said otherwise.

"Have fun you three!" Wilbur said behind us teasingly, holding in a laugh at Tommy's tone of voice.

"Yeah yeah whatever." Tommy spoke back, and I turned, giving Wilbur a small wave, and Tubbo following suit.

3rd person P.O.V

The three stayed in a comfortable silence as they walked, but the silence was broken by Tommy, who looked to you as he spoke. "I know dream told us to not ask, and just move on... but..." (Y/N) looked to the blond, curious to what he was going to ask. "What was our last world like?" She smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"It was great..." She simply said and walked a little faster from the rest as she recognized his house. "Wow it's live sized..." She said quietly as the other two caught up to her, and Tommy opened the door. 

"Get in before I close the door on you." Tommy snarled jokingly, and she slipped inside, Tubbo following behind her. The 'house' was different from what you was in streams, as the furnace was replaced with more of a kitchen setup, and a furnace that would be used to smelt iron and other ores were in another corner. (Y/N) marveled at the base for a while until Tommy got her attention. "Hey, so do you want me to call you (Y/N)?" Tommy asked.


"Ah ok." He nodded, and looked to Tubbo, who muttered a little 'why are you looking at me?' and he shrugged. You flinched a little as he grabbed your wrist and tapped it a little, and a hologram popped up. "By the way, this is your inventory." 

You looked to the hologram, then to Tommy, then to your wrist, where you noticed three small dots on it, looking like tattoos. Tommy let go, and you tapped your wrist again, closing the inventory. "Nice." You said, putting your hand down and looking down to see the hunger bar going down slowly. 

"Oh, do you need food?" Tubbo asked, getting his own inventory out and pulling out some bread, and handing it to you. You nodded and look the bread, and took a bite. It tasted like normal bread. Who would of known?

"Thanks." You smiled at Tubbo, and he smiled back. Honestly, his smile could brighten the whole world up, and make even the coldest rooms feel warm. Tommy decided for you three to just sleep, and be done with the night, which you agreed to, this is all just a dream, right? When you wake up, you'll be back in your bedroom with no contact to non of these famous streamers/youtubers, right?

The next day

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.


This wasn't a dream.

I'm still here, in the small room in Tommy's house... or cave. It seems more like a cave at this point-. I sat up, and looked to my left, where Tommy's bed was, and to the right, where Tubbo was just sleeping on the floor, even though I had insisted that he could sleep on the bed, and I had no problem sleeping on the floor.

(Tommy and (Y/N)'s beds are one block apart, so people with the 'can I put my minecraft bed next to yours?' can stop typing, don't get me wrong, I love that meme.)

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